Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I have been told the shut up my entire life. Even when I was quiet and shy as a little girl. Just shut up, look cute, don't think and pretend like you don't have a brain.

 I have been told the shut up my entire life.  Even when I was quiet and shy as a little girl. 
Just shut up, look cute, don't think and pretend like you don't have a brain.

Still today. Husband says I am eye candy, a barbie doll, a doll. A Stepford wife.

He talks to me in a condescending manner and nearly always assumes I
that I don't know what I am doing, can't figure anything out on my own,
unable to do much of anything for myself. 

The only times I have his undivided attention is when I a nude, nearly nude,
wearing tight fitting and/or revealing clothes, wearing typical underwear or
lingerie, looking 

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