Monday, September 28, 2020

I am going to have a Christmas tree this year, even if it is only 2" tall.

I am going to have a Christmas tree this year, even if it is only 2" tall.

I celebrated this holiday every year until I was 33 when the man I chose

to marry, raised by a Jehovah's Witness mother, decided that the tree

was nothing but trouble, nothing but a big mess of tree needles laying

around on the floor, the lights used up electricity which cost money, the

presents cost money and are a big waste and there are no such

things as celebrations.  What is there to celebrate? He, the Grinch,

still says.

The Grinch and The Grim Reaper are two of his favorite characters

yet he refuesd to go see the movie, the grinch a few years ago when

offered the chance to see it for free when my son and daughter in law

paid for the tickets.  He chose to sit home alone in misery and 

not experience any joy in revealing the truth about life or himself.

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