Monday, September 28, 2020

Waist trainer and vested slimmer bought at citi trends last week

Waist trainer and vested slimmer bought at citi trends last week.

Flo 360 and respin by Halle Berry. Both size Medium.

One has a zipper (easy to get on and tight), one has hooks and eyes and

takes longer to put on. Both have an open chest area.  Wonderful

for allowing your choice of undergarments.

I got these to hopefully help straighten the 38 degree curve in my back, not to slim my

already skinny waist or to strengthen my already firm or hard core muscles,

not to flatten my already flat stomach.

126 pounds today. Weight varies from day to day by a few pounds.

So far, so good. They feel good and I can even sleep in them.

A good investment in myself. Thank you for designing these

and making them so affordable and comfortable.

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