Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Brick wall mind is a door, not a window.

Brick wall mind is a door, not a window.

blocks, stops, resists, barricades, fights, pushes, competes

with other people

believes other people are fighting, arguing with and resisting them

when he is the one being resistant, inflexible and


uses the word "cooperate" , example, when making a reference

to a male friend who had a female roommate who wouldn't

have sex with him, he said "she wouldn't cooperate" as if it

were a "duty" instead of what it should be which is a natural

feeling of love, caring and willingness to join her body with that man

says I am "stubborn" any time I make a statement

different from his beliefs and says that 

I want to argue and has said this even when I agree with him

impedence, won't allow others to be themselves

stubborn, inflexible, won't and doesn't listen to any other

different opinions, views, facts that don't agree with their own

believes their opinions are facts

wont listen to or look at facts that state anything they don't believe in

will not look at evidence, facts, books with facts,

even the dictionary that I present to him

accuses me and others of not listening (projection)

obtuse: slow, dull, can't comprehend

says "I can't understand", "I don't understand",

"I can't believe it" , "I don't believe it", "I doubt it",

"that's crazy"

frequently about many things that have

already happened and things that could and might happen

limited in thoughts/thinking







easily angered over anything

pissed off everyday about at least one thing



feels entitled


projects their thoughts upon others

anticipates and assumes they know what others are thinking

assumes others feel what they are feeling at the moment

(ie: if they are hungry they think the other person must be hungry

and if they don't have to use the bathroom the other one shouldn't

have to. the other person can wait to use the bathroom because they

themselves don't feel the urge to go at the moment but if they

have to go they cannot wait)

frequently sits with arms crossed upon his chest

doesn't answer simple yes or no questions directly 

instead asks a question or makes a statement

unable to see viewpoints of others

believes others and environment should conform to their wishes

unable to accept that others have different preferences

believes others prefer what he prefers. if they don't, then

there is something wrong and flawed with them

refused to engage in any activity unfamiliar with or any

activity they feel uncomfortable with 

believes other people should do what he does

if not, they are stupid, worthless, don't deserve to eat,

don't belong in this country, don't belong here, period

believes if a person is well fed they are spoiled

if a person has basic needs taken care of therefore

they are happy, then they are spoiled

refuses to look at his own behavior

any time I remind him of what he said or did

that was wrong, bad and/or hurtful to a living being or

any thing he says "why are you such a bitch!", "why

do you have to complain all of the time?!"

will not admit errors, mistakes, flaws in own thinking or

behavior. Always has to be right.

Always has to be the one making the decisions.

Cannot comprehend poetry such as the Desiderata
or The Serenity Prayer.  He said the desiderata is stupid
and doesn't believe the serenity prayer, the first part that
I showed him

"God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change; 

courage to change the things I can; 

and wisdom to know the difference. "

(because he believes he is in control... of all things)

Tries/attempts to project his fears, insecurities,
beliefs he has about his body "flaws' due to being
body shamed as a child, upon me as if I need to feel
bad, embarassed and ashamed of what I am and the
way I look

Frequently says he gets a bad feeling about another person
or situation. Sometimes says he feels bad for another person's demise

Recently said "I don't want to feel controlled"
the next day I reminded him of what he said and that
I don't control him. He goes off every day doing what ever he
does and most of the time I have no idea where he is going
or what he does and it's been that way for 29 years.  Most of
the time I don't ask where he is going but he asks me where
I am going most of the time. 

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