Saturday, November 7, 2020

 Puzzle pieces are falling into place as I recall memories of long ago and
recent incidents.  Things that happen make more sense to me as I
understand a little more each day. Profound knowing without much
effort is actually simple. 

Basic, simple drives and desires are what we are all born with.

Desires for joy, warmth, comfort, to be well fed,
hydrated, accepted, admired, heard,
a feeling of belonging,
love of and attraction to beauty (plants, animals, natural scenery and
environments like lakes, waterfalls, trees, fields,
pretty girls/women
and handsome boys/males/men who look healthy, happy, trim,
fit, well put together

The eyes are called the windows of the soul and they
immediately indicate the condition of the being. 
Eyes reflect feeling, understanding, knowing, state of health,
They represent the "world" of the body, the individual's current
level of awareness and state of mind and emotion at all times.

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Political and religious obsessed people

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