Thursday, November 5, 2020

He is obsessed with Trump and the presidential campain. Has been for years.

Pissed off, aggravated, angry, upset. Hateful, mean.


 I told him anger poisons the blood.
Every single day he is pissed off about something.

He blasted the news last night when I went downstairs to use the massage
pad on my broken back. It is not healing for me. I said, as he has said to me many times, "I want to listen to this!" just like he shouts it to me. And "I don't want to listen to you".

Why are you such a bitch? 

You don't care about what's going on in the outside world! he yelled at me.

Yes, I do and it all starts from within, from yourself.

I said When are we going to live our lives?

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