Saturday, November 7, 2020

 I told him whoever is the President you still have to live your life. 
It doesn't matter who is in office. You are still you. Wherever you are.

He is obsessed with the president Trump and has been for a few years.
Only believing Trump can do no wrong
and listening to news channels on the radio
and on the internet constantly that coincide
with his beliefs.  He believes Donald Trump can do no wrong. That
Democrats have made up lies about him.  And being a Republican
is the only way to be.
He views Trump as a Saint.

I can say nothing unless I agree with what he says.
"Why do you always want to argue with me?!!"
he says frequently, even at times when I was 
agreeing what he says.

He wrote a list of who to vote for
on November 3rd and I voted as he said, Republican.
I told him I don't know anything about any of these 
candidates. It's not fair to the candidates due to my ignorance
about them.
I am not into politics. I told him months ago
I shouldn't even vote because I don't have a clue. I don't spend
all of my time researching people in politics therefore I don't
really know who to vote for in anything.  He has not listened to
anything I said.  He doesn't care.

I am not political, not religious. 
His mother was a fanatic zealout Jehovah's Witness and he follows
in her footsteps unconsciously, rejecting the religion she forced
upon all of her ten children, 3 of whom are still alive that I know
about, one named John Stillwell who may still be alive in Texas
somewhere by Dallas,
and now taking up a new fanaticism of politics, a subject he wasn'tinvolved in until a few years ago. 
It started when he was looking at financial information like the
stock market and ended up with x22 report, daily reports on what
is going on with politics.

A feeling of power he must get by soaking up this constant daily 

Thanks to the universe or whatever energy it is I can get out
and visit others. I visited my next door neighbor Wendy last 
night and had an eye opening enlightening discussion as we
always do and she showed me a few news segments for the
first time about Donald Trump. We have avoided the subject
of politics before ...she knows I am not into it...and she said
she never paid attention to it before until recently. She provided
tremendous insight to me not only about Trump but about
my entire life filled with malignant narcissists.

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