Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Politics government

Politics government  









stressful, stress causing and inducing

not relaxed


rigid, stiff, inflexible, unbending







lying, deceitful

coercive, manipulative


two-faced, double talk, forked tongue

hypocritical, say one thing do another the opposite

say don't do this, the dictator does this and things they tell

you not to do (guilt? projection? conscience?)


empty promises

separating, dividing



slow deliberate deliberating




corrupt, tainted, stained

crooked, misaligned

mixed up, confusing, red tape, 

unnatural, unreal, not real

fake, phony, false

confusing, conflustered

frustrating, flustered

difficult, hard

ugly, mean, hateful, rude

obtrusive, interrupting, unreal

pushy, forceful

scattered, shotgun

empty, unfulfilling


false promises, fake

threatening, vengeful

intolerant, unacceptable, unaccepting

warlike, fighting, murderous, killing

blocking individuality







malicious intent

pretentious, ostentatious

planning scheming plotting


runaround in circles getting nowhere

rat in a cage

pitting people against one another

guessing, assuming, accusing, accusatory


inaccurate, not right, incorrect

off balance, out of balance


unethical, immoral



aggravated, aggravating

Fancy is fake. Simple is real.

 Fancy is fake. Simple is real.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Turn offs for a man according to husband

potty mouth cursing cussing
talking too loud, yelling, screaming
threatening, being demanding, controlling

angry violent temper

glitter is trashy looking

too much makeup

drenched in perfume

stinking in any way; smelling bad, nasty, offensive

bad breath

rotten teeth

yellow or other discolored teeth

bloodshot eyes or yellow whites of the eyes

mean look on the face

tatoos make you look cheap and trashy, lack class or style

revealing clothing in public
(cover yourself properly for the occasion)

don't call attention to yourself by wearing loud colored,
lewd looking clothes, jewelry, adornments, too much flashy, glittery,
sparkly things, makeup, lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, eye liner,
blush on cheeks/red, pink, orange, etc, rouge

he said, "it doesn't take much makeup"

he can see my eye and lip makeup from 20-50 ft away

Talking over the phone is the best way to be heard. No visual distraction involved.

 Talking over the phone is the best way to be heard. No visual distraction involved. 

I only want what I was born with.

I only want what I was born with. 

No longer am I running away and hiding myself to
keep these guys away so they will quit pestering me.
All they want to do is give me a bone. It ends in r.

Stand up straight, keep your shoulders back and
deal with it. Calmly, respectfully. Politely turn them away.

Drop your number in the bucket but don't expect me to call you.
There is a very long line and waiting time and chances
are, you won't get the chance.  Thank you for the compliment.
I am taken and am busy.

"You're the only one I know who doesn't watch porn"

 Said by an anonymous person I know very well. (Name withheld to
protect the innocent.)

"Hey, you,  EVERYONE watches pornography!
You're the only one I know who doesn't watch porn!"

Answer to this puzzling question / statement is this: "I don't need to watch porn"

Virgin or whore? They want both.

Virgin or whore? They want both.

It's no wonder women are often confused and go crazy.
Split personality disorder. Schizo. Bipolar.

Should I be a
Saint or a
or both?


"....a lady in the street but a freak in the bed" song lyrics
"red lips, hair and fingernails.." 

"I want you to look sexy for me but not in public for anyone
else to see. I don't want any other guys/men looking at you." 
(Straight out of my husband's mouth)

A painted lady is basically a fancy term for a whore

Another fancy word is concubine :D
omg dude lets go get some effin painted lady's

In the morning
Don't say you love me
'Cause I'll only kick you out of the door

I know your name is Rita
'Cause your perfume smelling sweeter
Since when I saw you down on the floor, guitar

You won't need to much persuading
I don't mean to sound degrading
But with a face like that
You got nothing to laugh about

Red lips hair and fingernails
I hear your a mean old Jezebel
Let's go up stairs and read my tarot cards, c'mon

Stay with me
Stay with me
For tonight you better stay with me, oh yeah

Stay with me
Stay with me
For tonight you better stay with me, oh rock on

So in the morning
Please don't say you love me
'Cause you know I'll only kick you out the door

Yea I'll pay your cab fare home
You can even use my best cologne
Just don't be here in the morning when I wake up, c'mon honey

Stay with me
Stay with me
'Cause tonight you gonna stay with me
Sit down, get up, get down

Stay with me
Stay with me
'Cause tonight your going stay with me
Hey, what's your name again
Oh no, get down, whoo, hey, oh no, woo, get yourself home, slow down babe
kayla plain jane virgin is princess an angel 15

"Ginger is okay but I like Mary Ann better"

 "Ginger is okay but I like Mary Ann better" 

--words out my husband's mouth one day when I was telling
him about ginger spice

Meaning: plain, simple, clean, fresh, youthful, real, natural,
sweet and innocent is cute, pretty and beautiful and are much more
desirable female/feminine/womanly/girl/girlish traits/characteristics
that he and males/boys/men find very attractive

It is our nature to spot the flaw asap

 It is our nature to spot the flaw asap

Simple is chic.

 Simple is chic.

D's of politics

D's of politics











dead end











Synonyms for downtrodden
crushed, oppressed, persecuted, tyrannized

Dowdy definition is - not neat or becoming in appearance : shabby.

dowdy definition: 1. (especially of clothes or the person wearing them) not attractive or fashionable

dowdy | Definition from the Clothes & fashion topic ...

dow‧dy /ˈdaʊdi/ adjective 1 a dowdy woman is not attractive, because she wears dull and unfashionable clothes 2 dowdy things are dull, unattractive, and unfashionable a dowdy dress

DUBIOUS | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted

Dubious | Definition of Dubious at
Dubious definition, doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.




GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

By Max Ehrmann © 1927

Original text

All that glitters is not real

 All that glitters is not real

Challenge: Cooking over medium or over easy eggs without breaking the yolk.

 Challenge: Cooking over medium or over easy eggs without breaking the yolk.

Update: made 2 eggs basted in bacon grease. Yolks intact. Hurray!

The most valuable things are priceless.

 The most valuable things are priceless.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Nice to have a blog no one looks at. Nobody listens so it doesn't matter.

 Nice to have a blog no one looks at. Nobody listens so it doesn't matter.

 Cinderella cries. Alice in Wonderland cries. Snow White ..
I have been crying easily my entire life. 
I cry alone. I try not to cry in front of others
but I often have

Working diligently anywhere
at school, at home or at a job 

I have finally learned I shouldn't smile or talk to anyone

 I have finally learned I shouldn't smile or talk to anyone.

Consequences are being begged for marriage or sex. 

I have finally learned I should keep my rearend covered up and I shouldn't bend over.

 I have finally learned I should keep my rearend covered up and
I shouldn't bend over. 

Consequences are being begged for marriage or sex.

I don't make empty threats and I don't make promises.

 I don't make empty threats and I don't make promises.

You will turn into a fossil while you wait for other people to change. They won't.

 You will turn into a fossil while you wait for other people to change. They won't.

Patience definition and synonyms and antonyms


Thesaurus patience noun

Synonyms & Antonyms of patience

the capacity to endure what is difficult or disagreeable without complaining

the teacher's patience is being sorely tested this year by several parents who seem to have no interest in their children's education

Synonyms for patience

forbearance, long-suffering, sufferance, tolerance

Words Related to patience

acquiescence, resignation

passiveness, passivity

amenability, compliance, conformism, docility, obedience, subordination, tractability, willingness

discipline, self-control

submission, submissiveness

Near Antonyms for patience


contrariness, disobedience, insubordination, intractability, recalcitrance, resistance, willfulness

Antonyms for patience


The first known use of patience was in the 13th century

Thesaurus Entries near patience








“Patience.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 25 Jan. 2021.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Are You The Family Scapegoat? Signs You May Be, And What You Can Do About It

 Are You The Family Scapegoat? Signs You May Be, And What You Can Do About It

Are You The Family Scapegoat? Signs You May Be, And What You Can Do About It

Scapegoat definition. I feel like I am being scapegoated again.





a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.


whipping boy · victim · Aunt Sally · goat · fall guy · patsy

(in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it (Lev. 16).


make a scapegoat of.


Scapegoat, Hebrew saʿir la-ʿAzaʾzel, (“goat for Azazel”), in the Yom Kippur ritual described in the Torah (Leviticus 16:8–10), goat ritually burdened with the sins of the Jewish people. The scapegoat was sent into the wilderness for Azazel, possibly for the purpose of placating that evil spirit, while a separate goat was slain as an offering to God. By extension, a scapegoat has come to mean any group or individual that innocently bears the blame of others.


What makes one susceptible to being a scapegoat?
Why are some people targeted for taking the blame for
things they had no part in creating?

Grandma Sarah said:

Grandma Sarah said:

You were named after me.
Our name means princess.

You will never be alone.
I am your best friend and one day you are
going to thank me for that.
I love you more than anything.

Do not become hard hardened hardhearted tough and bitter
(don't worry, grandma, I won't)

You are:

You'd look good in a gunny sack.
You have a nice figure. You have a small waist and a flat stomach.
Always keep yourself looking good.
Don't tell him (a man, your man and men in general) everything.
Never let anyone put you down.
Deserve the best.
Don't settle for nothing.

Insane jealousy exists everywhere.
Many of your so called girlfriends are insanely jealous of you.

Be careful.
Choose your friends wisely. Bird of a feather flock together.
You will become like those you associate with.
No company is better than bad company.

Unattractive women like to have an attractive woman (like you) as a friend
when they go out so the good looking woman can attract the men
and hopefully one or more of the men will want them (the not so
good looking woman/women).

Ignore them and go on about your business, they are just jealous. They wish they
had what you have, what you were born with.

You are sensitive. You have a heart of gold. ASweet. Innocent. Kind
Are smart, intelligent. You only have to be told once.
Dutiful. Diligent.

"You are Cosmo (cosmopolitan magazine), I am Seventeen (17) magazine."
from my girlfriend, Ruthie Johnson when we were both age 14 and
went to Belton High School.

"Trust me. I'm pretty sure you have never in your life looked terrible."
from my friend Jason Helms on facebook messenger. 

"You must have the patience of a saint in order to put up with him (Eddie) ",
my mother-in-law told me regarding her son after I had been
with him for 3 years. I was crying my eyes out for the first time
while talking to her because of the frustration I experienced in
my marriage.  He (Ed) is one of the most difficult people to 
deal with.


"You think too much," from an old friend, Steve back in the early 1990's

"I wish you were my mom," from Tim Phillips, son of my friend Debbie
who used to be our next door neighbors back in the 90s to early 2000's.

"You scored high in every subject, which is good, however it might make
it difficult to choose one career to focus on and go into since you are
capable of going into any field of study," woman who
told me my GED test results back in October, 1980.

133 is IQ Intelligence Quotient test score.

Friday, January 22, 2021

How To Be A Classy Lady In 7 Steps by Renee Wade

How To Be A Classy Lady In 7 Steps

by Renee Wade

How To Be A Classy Lady In 7 Steps
by Renee Wade

this is one of the very best all inclusive sites I have
discovered !!

according to this article I am and have been classy 
ever since I was born.. I just didn't know it, did not 
realize or understand until now

this explains why these things have happened to me throughout my life
the very things my classy grandmother (my mom's mom) warned me about
and the same things my mother experienced in her entire life
both of these women were high class, regardless of their
monetary financial situation

when I was a child my grandma told me about human behavior and 
of course, I didn't believe her.  I challenged what she said with
such firm conviction as children often do (part of our
need to find things out for ourselves through experience)
and, of course, what she told me was absolute truth

she (my grandmother) told me I was natural (true)
she told me women are jealous of me (true) and
men will want me (true)
women don't want me around their man--ever
because their man would desire me

she said I would look good in a gunny sack
she said I can wear anything, any type of clothes and still look good
she said I am your best friend and one day
you will realize that and thank me (I do !!)
she said I am pretty and I don't know it (true) and
she said she was told she was pretty and she didn't know it (true)

Classy or trashy? Real or fake?

Classy or trashy?  Real or fake?

Men Reveal The Things They Believe Make A Woman 'Trashy'

Men Reveal The Things They Believe Make A Woman 'Trashy'

A woman being "trashy" is much the same thing as a guy being a typical "douchebag" or "tool".

Shitty clothes in the wrong situations.

Obnoxious tattoos

Over use of profanity

Resorting to violence or the threat of it

Just being a generally shitty person quite honestly.


Apparently, being trashy means being promiscuous in public.


Cabrillis348 points3 years ago

Wearing clothing that doesn't fit the situation.

Club dress to a restaurant/job interview/everywhere

Exercise clothing to church

Badly done make up

Screaming Yaaass/Woooo


OK, so hardcore drugs may make you a little trashy, but still, no judgment.

GucciJesus150 points3 years ago



According to this guy, not being able to apply eyeliner will turn you into human trash.


Are you a bad parent? Yep, then I guess you're trashy to this guy.

midlifefuckingcrisis29 points3 years ago

SHITTY KIDS that they are not parenting.

It's not the kids fucking fault: their mom is still trying to live the trash life and party, and pay as little attention to the kids as possible because they were accidents. But the kids have terrible behavior because they can't get any fucking real attention or structure from their mom.

The sure kicker of this is that mom posts on facebook "MY KIDS ARE MY LIFE MY HEART AND SOUL" and then you see those /r/trashy pictures of them trying to get men interested by posing in shitty clothes with their fat tits and ass hanging out with a fucking trashpile of a house in the back and the poor kids are in frame.

Fuck that trash. I left Florida so that I could literally go a day without seeing that garbage every day of my life.


Whatsthedealwithair-107 points3 years ago

Bad tattoos are a big indicator.


Paratrooper_19D151 points3 years ago

Face piercings

dress inappropriate for the occasion

over abundance of tats

badly applied makeup/giant hoop earrings/fake tans

being overly noisy and argumentative at inappropriate times/inappropriate places

being inconsiderate, stupid, and mean

addictions and dependencies

having kids way too young or with deadbeats that they have zero commitment with

dounced in cheap perfume

tries to solve things with violence especially getting other to do the violence for them

Crazy unemployable hair styles

poorly done cosmetic surgeries


This guy is apparently an eyebrow expert and thinks overdone brows are the trashiest of trash.

Dat37tho50 points3 years ago

Eyebrows that look like they were drawn on with a thick sharpie or plucked so much that they are no longer there


Don_Camillo00527 points3 years ago

to much make up

badly aplied make up

weird tan

poor fashion sense

flirts with everything

wearing highheels she can barely walk in


Oh, sure, the spelling of someone's name definitely signals they're trash.

st0nedt0theb0ne43 points3 years ago

Wearing clothes that are way too small or way too big.

Wearing clothes that are falling apart.

Dirty nails

Covering up your day old makeup with more makeup.

Really cheap or homemade tattoos.

If your name ends in an "i" the trash value doubles.

If your name is Krystal, the trash value doubles.

This guy thinks being trashy is more about attitude than looks.
TickTockTomb11 points3 years ago
Having no or little manners. Being inconsiderate and obnoxious in public. Being needlessly antagonistic. Having a typical trashy ghetto attitude. Abusing alcohol and acting like a cunt. Dressing /acting like a slob or extremely inappropriately for a given social setting.

Really being trashy is more about being a selfish, narcissistic asshole "who jus don give a fuk!!" more than anything else.

While trashy women may have ugly or stupid tattoos, too much makeup, stupid looking piercings, or other tacky accessories; being trashy is more about attitude and personality than how one looks. There's plenty of trashy looking people that are actually not very trashy at all.

This guy thinks making a personal Facebook status equals trash.
CorneliusHelius6 points3 years ago
Airing their dirty laundry in Facebook

Wearing fleece PJ pants in public. Bonus points for greasy hair.


Boojee definition.



See also bougie. No, it does not mean wealthy upper class. It is derived from bourgeois. It means "middle class" who aspire to be upper class by their conspicuous display of materialism done solely as to please and fool the nobodies.

There goes that boojie bitch again with her LV purse but she can barely meet this month's car note.

by Ewoksinn June 10, 2018


according to this definiton, I am NOT boojee
because I am not pretending to be something or someone I am not

Reclaiming myself. Renewing ME. Today.

Reclaiming myself. Renewing ME. Today.

Something strange is happening. Weird. I woke up and got up early
at 7:20 am today. Not my usual sleeping most of the day until 11,
noon, 1, 2, 3 pm.

Diet changes, vitamin and herb intake. Coffee in the morning
this week like I used to do years ago.
Regression is the answer for renewal of body and spirit every moment.
Remembering my history, anecdotes of my past.
Incidences where I was the object of desire.
Countless times of being propositioned, even today at my age-- ha ha--
I don't think about my chronological age. HE reminds me and
I forget about it. I don't care.

Past couple of months doing these things.
prenatal vitamin gummies on occassion.
B complex. D3. Zinc. Milk thistle. Fresh ginger root.
Epsom salt bath two days ago Wednesday, January 20, 2021.
Lots of water, as usual. 

Eating more pickles (dill, sweet, zesty, any types), celery, cucumbers, cabbage, salad,
green olives, onions (red and yellow, any), garlic,
fruit: pineapple, lemons, oranges.

Gut balance health is first before
I can digest food. If my stomach and intestines are off
balance and not working properly then eating all of the
"right foods" and doing the "right" exercises is useless.

Assimilation is necessary.  Proper elimination is necessary in order to
assimilate nutrients from food and water.  

Sunday, January 17, 2021

 Description cannot compare to experience. 

I can describe how a hamburger tastes for 20 years and you still won't know  how it tastes until you've tasted it yourself.  Experience. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

I love children and animals and they love me. Adults are questionable and ambivalent.

Value is priceless.

Living or surviving? Joyful or just thriving?

I am a model. I set the example.

Raising children is the most important joy of all.

I love etymology. Still learning to understand English.

Natural is the new weird.

 Natural is the new weird.


Lead the leaders, follow the leaders, follow the followers or follow and lead yourself.

Lead the leaders, follow the leaders, follow the followers or follow and lead yourself.


Sarah Stillwell

Art is truth. Books, music, dance, movies, paintings, photographs/pictures.

 Art is truth. Books, music, dance, movies, paintings, photographs/pictures.

Classics are here to stay.


Sarah Wilson Montgomery Mertz Stillwell

Beauty and The Beast is my life story.

I am going to make a compliment/complaint box and a calendar daily chart.

I am going to make a compliment/complaint box and a calendar daily chart.
Am I being nice or naughty?

I will use post its and or stickers to indicate which one I am feeling and how
he is feeling throughout the day.  Some way to indicate being nice or
naughty. Maybe colored markers that show which feelings are active. 

I am doing this mainly for my husband who typically has a short fuse
and wakes up in a bad mood complaining about something. Anger and
being irate is the most destructive emotion when it is chronic and



an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration:

A sincere compliment boosts one's morale.

a formal act or expression of civility, respect, or regard:

The mayor paid him the compliment of escorting him.

compliments, a courteous greeting; good wishes; regards:

He sends you his compliments.


verb (used with object)

to pay a compliment to:

She complimented the child on his good behavior.

to show kindness or regard for by a gift or other favor:

He complimented us by giving a party in our honor.


verb (used without object)

to pay compliments.

antonym for compliment

Near Antonyms for compliment

bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, depreciate, diminish, discount, disparage, minimize, put down, write off

jeer, mock, ridicule, taunt, tease

Friday, January 15, 2021

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

 No one gives or gave you what you were born with. You/I were born with your own
spirit. The source of this spirit is unknown to me. 
I cannot give credit to another person, a human being for the spirit I was born with.
I can and frequently give credit to the spirits present it all life forms.
I acknowledge, I understand they are unique and individual.
I have my own spirit and will not own or try to have any other. 

 Self is always expressed.

 Fight, flight or freeze. Fear reactions.

8:15 pm to 10:00 pm put up with angry spouse unable to listen to reason
and facts.  I was anticipating a nice arrival home * then I became fearful,
stressed, tense, unable to eat and feeling strong need to relax in order to survive.
Simple things I wanted to accomplish did not get done. Frozen. Cannot 
function normally with intense anger in household, in the air.

Angry, fearful, hateful, threatening spouse. "I will disable the vehicle!'
"Why don't you answer the phone?!!" "I am pissed off!!!"
"Why don't you go live with your ex"

Told him I Felt like a criminal on trial with one person, him, the judge
and I did nothing wrong. Am accused of being disrespectful
when I am a very respectful person to everyone.. No trial, no jury..
convicted of wrongs I didn't do by one person, him, the sole
appointed god know it all who deems himself perfect and can
do no wrong, justifying each and every thought, word and move.

was he born with this personality or was it learned behavior in his family
growing up? I think it might be learned behavior since I have known
many of his family members (paranoid schizophrenic mother
and many siblings) who act the same way. Insecure, suspicious,
threatening, accusatory, controlling, jealous, vengeful, mean, selfish,
greedy, conniving, vindictive, thinking and doing atrocious things
I would not do, paranoid (everyone is out to get me, everyone is watching
me when in fact he/they are watching everyone else), impulsive,
plotting, planning, scheming

I recounted his many incidences of anger in the past
and incidences where he has done exactly what he is mad at
me about. I said I realize his concern for my whereabouts

He could have said "I was worried about you, I miss you,
I love you" and listened to me when I told him I didn't know he
called because I couldn't hear the phone while I was driving
with the radio blasting and finally heard the phone ring
when I was 30 seconds away from the house and the phone was
in my sweater pocket... I heard it ring after I'd turned the radio down
and when I picked up the phone it quit ringing then I couldn't see
who called I didn't have my glasses on. 

I said It's a miracle I am still alive after all I have been through.

*come home, bring things in, eat dinner, shower, relax, hugs and kisses
for greeting, maybe dance and have nice conversation, discuss what
to do next

what I anticipated and expected did not happen

Monday, January 11, 2021

An ill-tempered person with a short fuse lacks control. Anger blocks the ability to listen to reason or to think rationally.

 An ill-tempered person with a short fuse lacks control. Anger blocks the ability to listen
to reason or to think rationally. Impatience fuels the fire of anger. Constant anger
is constantly destructive. 

Children with irrational anger grow up to be angry unreasonable adults.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

 Felt terrible and depressed, crying after eating bone in ham (Sugardale brand purchased
at Price Chopper) and filled doughnuts
I bought at Walmart more than a week ago. 

Ham has Very high sodium content,
It was so salty, soooo very very salty. Beans were good with it however it needed
something added to it to balance out the salt.  

Also had filled donuts last week, jelly and cream filled doughnuts. Haven't had

those in many years.  Also felt terrible, locked up, plugged up and felt like
giving up.  I liked the filling in the middle, not the hard outer part so I 
threw it away.  I won't be buying those again for a long, long time, if at all.

If I want the filling I will eat some jelly or jam or make some pudding or
whipped cream. I can do without all of that white flour, fake fat transfat shortening
and sugar and salt. 

Sugardale ham ingredients

Serving Size 3 ozAmount Per ServingCalories 170Calories from Fat 130% Daily Value*Total Fat 14.0 g22.0%Saturated Fat 4.5 g23.0%Trans Fat 0.0 gCholesterol 50.0 mg17.0%Sodium 950.0 mg40.0%Total Carbohydrate 2.0 g1.0%Dietary Fiber 0.0 g0.0%Sugars 2.0 gProtein 12.0 gVitamin A0.0%Vitamin C0.0%Calcium0.0%Iron4.0%

*Percentage values are based on a 2,000 calorie daily diet.  Nutrition information is estimated based on the ingredients and cooking instructions as described in each recipe and is intended to be used for informational purposes only.


Cured With: Water, Salt, Sugar, Contains 2% Or Less Of Sodium Phosphates, Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Lactate, Sodium Diacetate, Flavor.All Sugardale products are gluten free and free of the Big-8 allergenic foods, including milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soybean.

Physician heal thyself has been my underlying message to myself for many years.

 Physician heal thyself has been my underlying message to myself for many years.

Breathing. Food intake. Water. Proper exercise. Sleep. Associating with joyful people
and other life forms (pets, animals) and appreciating nature for what it is
are simple ways to rejuvenate, replenish and heal every moment of each day.

Listening to myself, the inner radar/instincts/feelings are the most 
important things I do to survive.

Skipping dinner last night and lots of sleep made me feel better today

Friday, January 8, 2021

-aholic definition

 -aholic definition


a combining form extracted from alcoholic, occurring as the final element in compounds, often facetious nonce words, with the sense “a person who has an addiction to or obsession with some object or activity”:

workaholic; chargeaholic.

Obsession, addiction. Which -aholics do you have?
Everyone is obesessed with/ addicted to at least one thing.

any drug, natural or manmade aritifical/fake
food: anorexia, overeating, bilumia
not cleaning/sloth/laziness
collecting, hoarding
getting rid of stuff
thinking/not thinking

any subject, interest, activity, thought, movement can become
an obsession. music, books, movies, tools, cars, houses, business,
furniture, gadgets, lawn mowers, equipment, machinery,

Develop the addiction to have a sense of peace, calm and control

Causes of addiction, obsession, compulsion

To relieve pain
feel powerful, have power
feel accepted
feel superior, better than

so what happens when you do anything too much and
don't practice moderation? Over do anything and expect
these things:
early death
worn out body and mind

Are human beings the only ones who become addicts ?
Common ordinary necessities like eating, working, having sex 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Fanaticism Is a Disease Like Alcoholism Fanatics Anonymous 12 Steps: At core, don’t blame the addict; blame the disease. Posted Nov 04, 2014

Fanaticism Is a Disease Like Alcoholism

Fanatics Anonymous 12 Steps: At core, don’t blame the addict; blame the disease.

Posted Nov 04, 2014

Fanatics, ideologues, and absolutists are humanity’s greatest scourge. Whether they’re the leaders or the followers, fanatics are people who indulge in a heady, intoxicating, and toxic concoction of self-affirming, know-it-all confidence that they have unique access to absolute truths, truths so perfect that they have to impose them on everyone.

The absolute truths that fanatics latch onto might be religious or political, right-wing or left-wing, Christian or Islamic, libertarian or communist, new age spiritual or old-time religious. It’s not what they believe that makes them fanatics but how they believe it — that they have the final word, no need to consider further evidence, and no need to ever wonder or doubt themselves again.

Fanaticism is a drug. Let loose on society it's like crack cocaine or alcohol only worse. Fanatics drive through life like alcoholics driving under the influence. They think they’re perfectly fine driving. They kill innocent bystanders, sometimes by the thousands or millions.

We’ve learned though, that treating alcoholics as criminals doesn’t help us or them. Alcoholics Anonymous has been so successful in part because it gives the addict a graceful way out of the corner he or she is painted into. It’s hard to kick a drug if sobriety means admitting that you’re a vile person through and through. Shaming the addict can make him dig in his heels. It’s easier to kick it if you declare that you’ve become host to a virulent disease that can attack any of us. No one is exempt from the risk. It’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility to kick it.

What's needed is an AA-style safe haven for recovering political and religious fanatics, ideologues and absolutists. Its message is, "Yes, you’re a wreck and have done real damage. But don't beat yourself up over it. Like so many of us, you became host to a powerful parasite that mutates quickly and has taken over minds throughout human history. Don't blame yourself. You are not alone. Join us. Together we can lick this thing."

Here’s a rough draft for the 12 Steps of Fanatics Anonymous:

We admitted we were powerless over fanaticism—that our lives had become unmanageable. 

Came to believe that Reason, a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Reason.

Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Admitted to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Were entirely ready to have Reason remove all these defects of character.

Humbly invoked reason to remove our shortcomings.

Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.

Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

Sought through inquiry, debate, conversation, curiosity, and doubt to improve our conscious contact with Reason seeking for better understanding of the human tension between what we want to believe and what’s most likely to be true.

Having had an awakening to Reason as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to fanatics of all kinds, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Of course, the peculiar move here is replacing god with Reason, and more peculiar perhaps to repurpose the AA model for fanatics anonymous, what with AA’s surrender to god’s will, the most notorious excuse for fanaticism in fanaticism’s long and sordid history.

And what is Reason anyway?

Reason is nature’s gift to humankind and to the humanitarian impulse. It’s also called rationality, which comes from the same root as ratio, to compare, discern, evaluate, judging carefully and humbly in our efforts to find the better bets on how to live.

Reason is also related to logos, a word with diverse implications over the millennia but related to language, and logic, uniquely human gifts for our ongoing effort to understand the true ways of the world.

Ongoing — that’s how science practices reason. Where fanatics say “I reasoned once, came to the absolute truth and don’t have to reason again,” science, a practical practice we can learn to apply well beyond the lab, admits that there’s no last word, just today’s best guesses, to be improved upon through ongoing inquiry.

Sustained reason is just the hard work that addiction to fanaticism frees us from. No wonder fanaticism is so intoxicating. Being a know-it-all provides such powerful pain relief. Reason is a much harder master than god. Humbling ourselves to it is painful.

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No wonder so many of us fall off the wagon.

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About the Author

ab·so·lut·ism  (ăb′sə-lo͞o′tĭz′əm) n.

1. a. A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority.

b. A form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or other authority.

2. An absolute doctrine, principle, or standard.

Definition of ideologue

1: an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology

2: an impractical idealist : THEORIST

Maintaining my sanity: The greatest challenge is this human world of insanity.

Maintaining my sanity: The greatest challenge is this human world of insanity. 

How does common sense, the ability to reason and come to logical conclusions
by being observant and aware of what is really going on end up 
leaving the mind of a person that drives them insane?

1-7-2021 Sarah Wilson Montgomery Mertz Stillwell

 You can have it all. The house, the property,  the money, the cars and everything in the house. You're so smart
and think you know it all. 

You can say and do anything you want without consequence.
You think words don't mean anything. You think I don't mean anything. Nobody is
important. No one but you.  

Do just fine without me, don't need me. You keep searching for the perfect pussy.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Which witch are you? Which princess are you? Which prince are you?

Which witch are you?  
Which princess are you?
Which prince are you?

It's the same old story line in every story

the wizard of oz is just one example

wicked witch of the west

 Glinda the Good sat upon a throne of rubies. She was both beautiful and young to their eyes. Her hair was a rich red in color and fell in flowing ringlets over her shoulders. Her dress was pure white but her eyes were sparkling blue, and they looked kindly upon the little girl. “What can I do for you, my child?” she asked."
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900)

Glinda (also known as Lady Glinda or Glinda the Good) is a fictional character invented by L. Frank Baum, the author and creator of the Oz legacy. She is the beautiful and independent Good Witch of the South, as well as the official Ruler of Quadling Country (Oz's southern quadrant), and made her first appearance in Chapter 23 ("Glinda the Good Grants Dorothy's Wish") of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which is Baum's very first Oz novel. Compassionate, knowledgeable, and ethereally lovely, Glinda is the most educated and respected sorceress in the entire Land of Oz - despite her youthful beauty and lively personality, she was rumored and even hinted by Baum to be many centuries - if not millennia - old.

Beautiful princesses are always cleaning, cooking, doing laundry
and do all of these clean things with cheer, happiness and
never, not once, complaining about their duties and serving others.
They are always sweet and nice and serve with joy
The princess is always ready to please and loves to help others
and make people happy

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." -- Albert Schweitzer

 "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

-- Albert Schweitzer

Saturday, January 2, 2021

"Stop this train, I want to get off" is a frequent thought I have. Slow down so I can absorb this observation and experience it. Stop.

 "Stop this train, I want to get off" is a frequent thought I have. Slow down so I can absorb this observation and experience it. Stop. 

Communication is the key to everything. Accurate information is necessary for accurate communication.

 Communication is the key to everything.  Accurate information is necessary for accurate communication.

It is amazing any book has been written and completed considering the distractions of daily life. How does anyone manage to complete a book?

 It is amazing any book has been written and completed considering the distractions of daily life.
How does anyone manage to complete a book? 

Writing is a solo practice for me, anyway.

I have never experienced writing anything in the company of others. I do not require assistance.

How have authors throughout the ages managed to complete books while dealing with
outside distractions from people and things that want their attention?

Compelled to write, to speak, communicate, to dance, to create and feel free.

 Compelled to write, to speak, communicate, to dance, to create and feel free.

Friday, January 1, 2021

"Are you going to have to use one of those walkers?"

 "Are you going to have to use one of those walkers?" my grandson, age 6, asked
me last month when he saw the walkers on display while we were shopping at CVS in Independence, Missouri.

"I hope not", I answered. 

I don't take prescription drugs or over the counter medications therefore I am not eligible to receive disability.

 I don't take prescription drugs or over the counter medications therefore I am not eligible to
receive disability.

In 2001 and 2005 I was turned down for social security disability.
I have not filed since then. It has been 16 years since the 
judge determined I was not eligible. If I file again, it would 
probably be a waste of time even though I have a 38 degree curve
in my spine and have severe lumbar scoliosis with radiculopathy.

I have not taken tylenol/acetaminophen or advil/ibuprofen or anything
made out of these drugs since April, 2009.

I deal with the constant pain. 

I sleep on a heating pad and have for many years, at least 20 years,
maybe more.

What is SSI benefits and who is Eligible?

What is SSI benefits and who is Eligible?

What is SSI benefits and who is eligible? What are the income limits to qualify for SSI? After you apply, how long does it take to get benefits? Can you work with receiving benefits? In this post, we will answer these questions and more.

In addition, we will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully apply for Supplemental Security Income.

This post will cover:

What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Difference Between SSI and SSDI

What can SSI Benefits do for you?

How Much Will I Receive in SSI Benefits?

Who is Eligible for SSI Benefits?

Citizenship Requirements

How to Apply for SSI Benefits

SSI Application Approval Rate

SSI Benefits FAQs

What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Supplemental Security Income or SSI, is a federal benefit program administered by the Social Security Administration that provides monthly payments to people who have limited income and few resources, and who are:

Disabled (at any age), or

Age 65 or older

SSI is a needs-based program, which means the amount you receive in benefits depends on the income that is available to you.

However, unlike Social Security retirement benefits, SSI benefits are paid out of general U.S. Treasury funds, not from Social Security taxes.

As a result, you need not have worked a certain amount, or paid FICA taxes, to be eligible.

Difference Between SSI and SSDI

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) differs from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in that SSI payments are made from the general funds of the United States Treasury whereas SSDI benefits are paid from the Social Security Trust Fund.

Accordingly, to qualify for SSI benefits, you must have little or no income and meet any of the following two criteria:

Disabled (at any age), or

Age 65 or older

To qualify for SSDI, you must have paid enough in Social Security taxes and earned enough credits to be covered by the program.

In general, that usually means having worked 5 years full-time out of the last 10 years.

However, SSI does not depend on your work history and is needs-based, so you must have limited income and financial resources, including assets.

You will need to produce pay stubs, bank statements, deeds, and other proof of property ownership as part of your application.

In addition, both SSI and SSDI have the same strict medical criteria for qualification.

For a detailed review of differences between SSI and SSDI, see our SSI vs. SSDI post.

How May People Recieve SSI benefits?

There are currently about 8 million people receiving SSI benefits.

As shown by the table below, there are 5.4 million people receiving SSI along and another 2.7 million receiving both SSI and Social Security retirement benefits.

Number of people receiving Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or both, July 2020

Type of beneficiary Total Social Security only SSI only Both Social Security and SSI

All beneficiaries 69,613,000 61,585,000 5,355,000 2,674,000

Aged 65 or older 50,320,000 48,025,000 1,003,000 1,292,000

Disabled, under age 65 a 13,312,000 0 4,352,000 1,381,000

The chart below shows the breakdown of who receives SSI benefits, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).

How Is SSI Funded?

As an entitlement program, SSI benefit is available to anyone who meets its eligibility requirements.

However, unlike Social Security (which is financed by dedicated payroll taxes), SSI is funded from general revenues.

At a cost of just over $50 billion in the fiscal year 2012, SSI constitutes a small portion of the federal budget — 1.4 percent of total spending that year.

What can SSI Benefits do for you?

If you qualify for SSI benefits, applying and getting approved has many advantages:

First, the monthly SSI benefit payments can help you pay for your basic needs, like food, housing, clothing, and more.

Second, those who are on SSI benefits automatically qualify for Medicaid. You may also be eligible for other state health insurance programs.

How Much Will I Recieve in SSI Benefits?

The basic monthly SSI payment for 2020 is the same nationwide. It is:

—$783 for one person.

—$1,175 for a couple.

However, not everyone gets the same amount. You may get more if you live in a state that adds money to the federal SSI payment.

Also, you may receive less if you or your family has other income.

In addition, where and with whom you live also makes a difference in the amount of your

SSI payment.

Forty-six states and the District of Columbia offer supplemental SSI payments.

States that provide additional payments may have their own rules regarding income and eligibility.

If you currently work or have earned income while on SSI, see our post on SSI Benefits Calculator.

Who is Eligible for SSI Benefits?

As mentioned above, three groups of people can get SSI benefits:

People older than 18 but younger than 65, with disabilities and limited income and resources.

People who are 65 years old or older, with limited income and resources.

Qualifying children and youth under 18 with disabilities.

If you’re between 18 – 65, to qualify for SSI benefits, you need to:

Meet certain citizenship and residency requirements;

Meet income and resource limits; and

Have a disability that prevents you from working.

As mentioned above, you have to meet both non-medical and medical guidelines in order to be approved for SSI benefits. Here’s what you need to know:

Medical Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for SSI benefits, you must show that:

You have a disability

Your disability prevents you from working.

The Social Security Administration has very specific rules about what is and is not a disability.

Social Security uses the same definition of disability for all its programs (SSI & SSDI).

Medical Definition of Disability

You must be able to show medical reports that confirm that you have a severe physical or mental disability.

It is important that you keep medical records and other paperwork organized and up to date to prevent any confusion or questions about the extent of your disability.

If no reports are available, Social Security will send you to a doctor to confirm your condition.

Your condition must have lasted or be expected to last at least a year or be expected to result in death.

If you have a visual impairment, see the rules the SSA uses to decide if you are blind.

Unable to Work

In addition, as part of the application approval process, the Social Security Administration will make a judgment as to whether or not your disabling condition prevents you from achieving any type of “substantial gainful activity.”

The term Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) is used to describe a level of work activity or earnings.

In 2020, if you are earning more than $1,260 per month (or $2,110 if you’re blind), Social Security says your earnings are Substantial Gainful Activity.

Does your disability prevent you from working?

It is important to note when it comes to determining whether you can perform a substantial gainful activity, the SSA uses the following set of questions it calls the Functional Assessment:

The Functional Assessment for Disability Benefits

If you are working above the SGA level, you are considered able to work, and therefore not disabled and not eligible for SSI benefits.

As mentioned above, in 2020, the SGA level is earning more than $1,260 per month (or $2,110 if you’re blind). Otherwise…

If your condition is on the Listing of Impairments (Blue Book), and the condition is severe enough, you are automatically considered disabled.

For the Social Security Administration’s Listing of Impairments, click here. If not…

Social Security figures out if you could do your old job, even if you’re not working now. If so, you are not disabled. If not…

Finally, Social Security figures out if you could do any other kind of work, considering your medical condition, age, and background. If so, you are not disabled. If not…

You are disabled.

Resources Eligibility Criteria

To be approved for SSI benefits, you must also meet the resources requirement. Resources are cash and other property that you own and could convert to cash.

You must have less than $2,000 in countable resources ($3,000 for a couple) to qualify for SSI benefits. This is the SSI resources limit.

Resources include:


bank accounts, stocks, U.S. savings bonds


life insurance

personal property


anything else you own which could be changed to cash and used for food or shelter

deemed resources.

Excluded resources are resources that don’t count towards SSI’s resource limit. The most important excluded resources are:

The home you live in

One vehicle

Countable resources are all resources that aren’t excluded.

However, if your disability began before you turned 26, you can open an ABLE account where over time you can save up to $100,000 in resources and not have them counted by SSI.

For more on ABLE accounts, click here.

Citizenship Requirements

To qualify for SSI benefits, you must be a U.S. citizen or a qualified alien.

Qualified aliens include people who are:

Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence (LAPR) in the U.S.

Refugees admitted to the U.S. under Section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

People granted asylum under section 208 of the INA

Qualified aliens must also meet certain other conditions to be eligible for SSI benefits.

If you are unsure of your immigration status or how it affects SSI, you should contact the Social Security Administration or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

How to Apply for SSI Benefits

Option 1 – Apply Online

To apply for SSI, you can begin the process and complete a large part of your application by visiting our website at

You may be eligible to complete your SSI application online if you:

Are between the ages of 18 and 65.

Have never been married.

Aren’t blind.

Are a U.S. citizen residing in one of the 50 states, District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands.

Haven’t applied for or received SSI benefits in the past.

Are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance at the same time as your SSI claim

Otherwise, you can use option 2 below to apply with your local Social Security office.

Option 2 – Apply at your Local SSA Office

You can also call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 to set up an

in-person or telephone appointment with a representative from your local Social

Security office.

When to Apply for SSI Benefits

You should apply for SSI benefits as soon as possible so that you do not lose benefits.

Remember, if approved, you will only receive benefits effective from the date of your application.

You will not receive benefits for time periods earlier than the effective date of your application.

Also, if you call the Social Security Administration to make an appointment to apply for SSI benefits and you file an application within 60 days of the call, the SSA may use the date of your call as your application filing date.

SSI Application Process

Here’s how the SSI application process works.

Step 1 – Submit an SSI application to your local Social Security office

The first step to applying for SSI benefits is to submit an application to your local Social Security office.

You will have to complete a form online, which will then be followed by an interview that must be done in person or on the phone.

Step 2 – The Social Security Office will check non-medical eligibility

Your local Social Security office will review your application for the non-medical eligibility portion of the process.

They may ask questions about your family member’s age, employment, marital status, citizenship, income, resources, and housing.

Step 3 – Your case gets sent to a Disability Determination Services office

Next, your medical records will be reviewed to see if you meet the guidelines.

Step 3. The Disability Determination office makes a decision about your case.

If they make a determination that you are disabled, they will inform the Social Security office. You will then receive a letter from the Social Security office with a decision.

SSI Application Approval Rate

About 70% of all initial applications for disability benefits are rejected by the SSA. If your initial application is denied by the SSA, it is not the end of the road.

You can file an appeal, beginning with a Request for Reconsideration.

You may also consider hiring an experienced Disability Attorney to take you through the appeal process.

SSI Benefits FAQs

Here are the most frequently asked questions about the SSI Benefits application process.

How do I know if I am eligible for SSI?

You have to meet the following three criteria:

You have to meet Social Security’s definition of Disability as explained above.

Your assets cannot be more than $2,000 ($3,000 for couples)

Your monthly income must be below $783 or ($1175 for couples).

The video below from the Idaho Department of Labor does an excellent job of explaining what you need to know to successfully apply for SSI.

Do I get Medicaid with SSI Benefits?

If you have Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disability, you may get Medicaid coverage automatically or you may have to apply.

Should You Hire an SSI Attorney?

Disclaimer: We do not give legal advice on this website.

Applying for SSI benefits can be challenging. Additionally, there is a high chance your claim will be denied since only 30% of initial applications are approved.

You can go through the entire initial application process by yourself.

However, if you feel overwhelmed by the process and requirements of applying for SSI benefits, here’s what you can do.

You may hire a qualified Social Security disability attorney who can evaluate your claim, help you start the application process, and defend your case in court in the chance that it is denied.

How Much Will I get in SSI Benefits?

The basic monthly SSI payment for 2020 is the same nationwide. It is:

—$783 for one person.

—$1,175 for a couple.

However, not everyone gets the same amount. You may get more if you live in a state that adds money to the federal SSI payment.

Also, you may receive less if you or your family has other income.

Will I get Additional SSI Benefits from my State?

Forty-six states and the District of Columbia offer supplemental SSI payments.

The states that don’t provide additional SSI state benefits are Arizona, Mississippi, North Dakota, and West Virginia.)

However, states that provide additional payments may have their own rules regarding income and eligibility.

Note that SSI is not available to residents of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.

However, a recent court ruling by The U.S. Court of Appeals allows anyone from Puerto Rico to apply for Supplemental Security Income.

It is estimated that about 700,000 people in Puerto Rico qualify for SSI.

Residents of the Northern Mariana Islands can receive SSI, but the territory does not supplement federal payments.

Can you get SSI and Social Security retirement at the same time?

Yes, you may collect Social Security retirements benefits and SSI benefits at the same time if you meet the strict financial criteria.

What is SSI benefits Summary

We hope this post on “What is SSI benefits” was helpful.

If you have further questions about Social Security, SSI, or SSDI, please let us know in the comments section below.

Be sure to check out our other articles on Social Security including How to apply for SSI, SSI payments Schedule, Differences between SSI and SSDI, Social Security Questions and Answers, and SSI Wage reporting instructions. 

How Much Will I Recieve in SSI Benefits? The basic monthly SSI payment for 2020 is the same nationwide. It is: —$783 for one person. —$1,175 for a couple.


How Much Will I Recieve in SSI Benefits?

The basic monthly SSI payment for 2020 is the same nationwide. It is:
—$783 for one person.
—$1,175 for a couple.

Prescription drug compliance and intake is most likely mandatory in order to be considered eligible for Social Security Disability or SSI.

Prescription drug compliance and intake is most likely mandatory in order to be
considered eligible for Social Security Disability or SSI.

Fact Sheet - Social Security Administration

There is often confusion about Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) because you apply for both programs with the Social Security Administration. But, the programs are different. The Social Security benefit programs are “entitlement” programs.

Difference Between Social Security and SSI | Compare the ...
The key difference between social security and SSI is that Social Security is a program that provides a number of benefits for persons including retirement income, disability income, Medicare, and death and survivorship benefits whereas SSI (Supplemental Security Income) is a national income program designed to provide assistance to aged, blind, and disabled persons and children who have little or no income to fulfil basic needs.
The Difference Between Social Security and SSI Benefits
According to Social Security Administration, benefits are approximately equal to less than half of the individual’s earnings before retirement. In contrast, people who apply for SSI aren’t required to have a work history or access a close relative’s Social Security credits in order to qualify.
SSI VS SSDI: What They Are & How They Differ - Benefits ...
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides minimum basic financial assistance to older adults and persons with disabilities (regardless of age) with very limited income and resources. Federal SSI benefits from the Social Security Administration are often supplemented by state programs.
What is the Difference Between SSDI and SSI? - FindLaw
The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers two types of disability benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). While both programs supplement the income of individuals who are unable to work due to a medical disability such as blindness, SSDI and SSI serve two distinct populations.
SSI vs. SSDI: A Guide to Social Security Disability ...
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) often get lumped together or confused for each other, despite being two distinct government programs. This is understandable: They are both government disability assistance programs with very similar acronyms. That said, the two programs have some key differences, including the requirements for eligibility.
What Are the Differences Between SSI and SSA Benefits ...
SSI Eligibility The fact that SSI does not consider work history distinguishes it from Social Security benefits. Congress created SSI in 1972 to provide a financial safety net for the disabled and...
What is the difference between SSDI and SSI in 2020?
SSDI is funded through FICA and Social Security taxes. SSI is not financed through Social Security, but rather through general tax revenues. The qualifications for SSDI and SSI also differ. SSDI, or Social Security Disability Insurance, will help you if you have a long history of work, and you have paid into Social Security in prior work years.

Supplemental Security Income - Social Security Administration

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes): It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income; and: It provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Definition
SSI is a separate program from Social Security income benefits for retired or disabled people. For the year 2021, SSI pays a maximum of $794 per month to eligible individuals or $1,191 to couples.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) |
Supplemental Security Income is a federal program funded by U.S. Treasury general funds. The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the program, butSSI is not paid for by Social Security taxes. SSI provides financial help to disabled Determine your eligibility for this benefit

What is SSI benefits and who is Eligible? - Social ...
What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? Supplemental Security Income or SSI, is a federal benefit program administered by the Social Security Administration that provides monthly payments to people who have limited income and few resources, and who are: Disabled (at any age), or; Age 65 or older

love spreading appeals to me naturally