Tuesday, January 12, 2021

8:15 pm to 10:00 pm put up with angry spouse unable to listen to reason
and facts.  I was anticipating a nice arrival home * then I became fearful,
stressed, tense, unable to eat and feeling strong need to relax in order to survive.
Simple things I wanted to accomplish did not get done. Frozen. Cannot 
function normally with intense anger in household, in the air.

Angry, fearful, hateful, threatening spouse. "I will disable the vehicle!'
"Why don't you answer the phone?!!" "I am pissed off!!!"
"Why don't you go live with your ex"

Told him I Felt like a criminal on trial with one person, him, the judge
and I did nothing wrong. Am accused of being disrespectful
when I am a very respectful person to everyone.. No trial, no jury..
convicted of wrongs I didn't do by one person, him, the sole
appointed god know it all who deems himself perfect and can
do no wrong, justifying each and every thought, word and move.

was he born with this personality or was it learned behavior in his family
growing up? I think it might be learned behavior since I have known
many of his family members (paranoid schizophrenic mother
and many siblings) who act the same way. Insecure, suspicious,
threatening, accusatory, controlling, jealous, vengeful, mean, selfish,
greedy, conniving, vindictive, thinking and doing atrocious things
I would not do, paranoid (everyone is out to get me, everyone is watching
me when in fact he/they are watching everyone else), impulsive,
plotting, planning, scheming

I recounted his many incidences of anger in the past
and incidences where he has done exactly what he is mad at
me about. I said I realize his concern for my whereabouts

He could have said "I was worried about you, I miss you,
I love you" and listened to me when I told him I didn't know he
called because I couldn't hear the phone while I was driving
with the radio blasting and finally heard the phone ring
when I was 30 seconds away from the house and the phone was
in my sweater pocket... I heard it ring after I'd turned the radio down
and when I picked up the phone it quit ringing then I couldn't see
who called I didn't have my glasses on. 

I said It's a miracle I am still alive after all I have been through.

*come home, bring things in, eat dinner, shower, relax, hugs and kisses
for greeting, maybe dance and have nice conversation, discuss what
to do next

what I anticipated and expected did not happen

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