Friday, January 22, 2021

How To Be A Classy Lady In 7 Steps by Renee Wade

How To Be A Classy Lady In 7 Steps

by Renee Wade

How To Be A Classy Lady In 7 Steps
by Renee Wade

this is one of the very best all inclusive sites I have
discovered !!

according to this article I am and have been classy 
ever since I was born.. I just didn't know it, did not 
realize or understand until now

this explains why these things have happened to me throughout my life
the very things my classy grandmother (my mom's mom) warned me about
and the same things my mother experienced in her entire life
both of these women were high class, regardless of their
monetary financial situation

when I was a child my grandma told me about human behavior and 
of course, I didn't believe her.  I challenged what she said with
such firm conviction as children often do (part of our
need to find things out for ourselves through experience)
and, of course, what she told me was absolute truth

she (my grandmother) told me I was natural (true)
she told me women are jealous of me (true) and
men will want me (true)
women don't want me around their man--ever
because their man would desire me

she said I would look good in a gunny sack
she said I can wear anything, any type of clothes and still look good
she said I am your best friend and one day
you will realize that and thank me (I do !!)
she said I am pretty and I don't know it (true) and
she said she was told she was pretty and she didn't know it (true)

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