Friday, January 1, 2021

Planning to get rid of extra stuff. Vinyl records, cds, tapes, books, movies.

 Planning to get rid of extra stuff.  Vinyl records, cds, tapes, books, movies.

am going to contact this place that sent me a postcard way back when I
had a PO Box I used for my "alleged business" he said I never had.
The place is  and the phone number is 1-888-993-4673

Too much stuff is holding me back and dragging me down.

Have had stuff listed for many years.  A lot has sold but not for much money.

All husband has said is derogatory things about selling this stuff like

You sit in there and sell records for pennies!! 

Of course, he has something negative to say about almost everything about me.

Time to get rid of the deadweight and quit kicking dead horses expecting them to come alive.

A dead horse stays dead. You can't kick it back to life. What's over is over
and done with. It is history. You can't hit rewind and fix the past to 
make it what you wanted it to be. 

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