Friday, January 1, 2021

I don't take prescription drugs or over the counter medications therefore I am not eligible to receive disability.

 I don't take prescription drugs or over the counter medications therefore I am not eligible to
receive disability.

In 2001 and 2005 I was turned down for social security disability.
I have not filed since then. It has been 16 years since the 
judge determined I was not eligible. If I file again, it would 
probably be a waste of time even though I have a 38 degree curve
in my spine and have severe lumbar scoliosis with radiculopathy.

I have not taken tylenol/acetaminophen or advil/ibuprofen or anything
made out of these drugs since April, 2009.

I deal with the constant pain. 

I sleep on a heating pad and have for many years, at least 20 years,
maybe more.

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