Friday, January 22, 2021

Classy or trashy? Real or fake?

Classy or trashy?  Real or fake?

Men Reveal The Things They Believe Make A Woman 'Trashy'

Men Reveal The Things They Believe Make A Woman 'Trashy'

A woman being "trashy" is much the same thing as a guy being a typical "douchebag" or "tool".

Shitty clothes in the wrong situations.

Obnoxious tattoos

Over use of profanity

Resorting to violence or the threat of it

Just being a generally shitty person quite honestly.


Apparently, being trashy means being promiscuous in public.


Cabrillis348 points3 years ago

Wearing clothing that doesn't fit the situation.

Club dress to a restaurant/job interview/everywhere

Exercise clothing to church

Badly done make up

Screaming Yaaass/Woooo


OK, so hardcore drugs may make you a little trashy, but still, no judgment.

GucciJesus150 points3 years ago



According to this guy, not being able to apply eyeliner will turn you into human trash.


Are you a bad parent? Yep, then I guess you're trashy to this guy.

midlifefuckingcrisis29 points3 years ago

SHITTY KIDS that they are not parenting.

It's not the kids fucking fault: their mom is still trying to live the trash life and party, and pay as little attention to the kids as possible because they were accidents. But the kids have terrible behavior because they can't get any fucking real attention or structure from their mom.

The sure kicker of this is that mom posts on facebook "MY KIDS ARE MY LIFE MY HEART AND SOUL" and then you see those /r/trashy pictures of them trying to get men interested by posing in shitty clothes with their fat tits and ass hanging out with a fucking trashpile of a house in the back and the poor kids are in frame.

Fuck that trash. I left Florida so that I could literally go a day without seeing that garbage every day of my life.


Whatsthedealwithair-107 points3 years ago

Bad tattoos are a big indicator.


Paratrooper_19D151 points3 years ago

Face piercings

dress inappropriate for the occasion

over abundance of tats

badly applied makeup/giant hoop earrings/fake tans

being overly noisy and argumentative at inappropriate times/inappropriate places

being inconsiderate, stupid, and mean

addictions and dependencies

having kids way too young or with deadbeats that they have zero commitment with

dounced in cheap perfume

tries to solve things with violence especially getting other to do the violence for them

Crazy unemployable hair styles

poorly done cosmetic surgeries


This guy is apparently an eyebrow expert and thinks overdone brows are the trashiest of trash.

Dat37tho50 points3 years ago

Eyebrows that look like they were drawn on with a thick sharpie or plucked so much that they are no longer there


Don_Camillo00527 points3 years ago

to much make up

badly aplied make up

weird tan

poor fashion sense

flirts with everything

wearing highheels she can barely walk in


Oh, sure, the spelling of someone's name definitely signals they're trash.

st0nedt0theb0ne43 points3 years ago

Wearing clothes that are way too small or way too big.

Wearing clothes that are falling apart.

Dirty nails

Covering up your day old makeup with more makeup.

Really cheap or homemade tattoos.

If your name ends in an "i" the trash value doubles.

If your name is Krystal, the trash value doubles.

This guy thinks being trashy is more about attitude than looks.
TickTockTomb11 points3 years ago
Having no or little manners. Being inconsiderate and obnoxious in public. Being needlessly antagonistic. Having a typical trashy ghetto attitude. Abusing alcohol and acting like a cunt. Dressing /acting like a slob or extremely inappropriately for a given social setting.

Really being trashy is more about being a selfish, narcissistic asshole "who jus don give a fuk!!" more than anything else.

While trashy women may have ugly or stupid tattoos, too much makeup, stupid looking piercings, or other tacky accessories; being trashy is more about attitude and personality than how one looks. There's plenty of trashy looking people that are actually not very trashy at all.

This guy thinks making a personal Facebook status equals trash.
CorneliusHelius6 points3 years ago
Airing their dirty laundry in Facebook

Wearing fleece PJ pants in public. Bonus points for greasy hair.


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