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efficient adjective

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ef·​fi·​cient | \ i-ˈfi-shənt  \

Essential Meaning of efficient

: capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy

an efficient worker

efficient machinery

Full Definition of efficient

1: productive of desired effects

especially : capable of producing desired results with little or no waste (as of time or materials)

an efficient worker

efficient machinery

2: being or involving the immediate agent in producing an effect

the efficient action of heat in changing water to steam

Synonyms & Antonyms

Choose the Right Synonym

Comparing Efficient, Effective, and Proficient

More Example Sentences

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Synonyms & Antonyms for efficient


effective, effectual, efficacious, fruitful, operative, potent, productive


fruitless, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, inoperative, unfruitful, unproductive, uselessVisit the Thesaurus for More 

Choose the Right Synonym for efficient

EFFECTIVE, EFFECTUAL, EFFICIENT, EFFICACIOUS mean producing or capable of producing a result. EFFECTIVE stresses the actual production of or the power to produce an effect.  an effective rebuttal  EFFECTUAL suggests the accomplishment of a desired result especially as viewed after the fact.  the measures to stop the pilfering proved effectual  EFFICIENT suggests an acting or a potential for action or use in such a way as to avoid loss or waste of energy in effecting, producing, or functioning.  an efficient small car  EFFICACIOUS suggests possession of a special quality or virtue that gives effective power.  a detergent that is efficacious in removing grease 

Comparing Efficient, Effective, and Proficient

These three words cover some overlapping territory.

Efficient most often describes what is capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy. While the word can be applied to both people and things, it is far more commonly applied to things, such as machines, systems, processes, and organizations. The focus of the word is on how little is wasted or lost while the desired results are produced.

Effective typically describes things—such as policies, treatments, arguments, and techniques—that do what they are intended to do. People can also be described as effective when they accomplish what they set out to accomplish, but the word is far more often applied to things.

Proficient typically describes people, and it often is followed by the preposition at. If you are proficient at something, you are very good at it. You are, in fact, so good at doing it that you are unusually efficient when you do it. One can also be proficient in something, such as a language.

Examples of efficient in a Sentence

Like a page-turner of a novel, [Nomar] Garciaparra keeps you eager to see what comes next, especially this season, when he will have the most efficient RBI machine in baseball, free-agent signee Manny Ramirez, riding shotgun with him.

— Tom Verducci, Sports Illustrated, 5 Mar. 2001

Short and muscular, he is as efficient as a surgeon, cracking eggs with one hand and tossing the shells into the basket under the counter behind him without looking, flipping bread into the slots of a row of toasters, and literally throwing "to go" orders ten feet down the counter to the guy manning the cash register.

— Paul Baumann, Commonweal, 18 July 1997

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Recent Examples on the Web

Fun and fluid, the new interface animations and transitions are also more energy-efficient.

— Julian Chokkattu, Wired, 17 Nov. 2021

Eric Paschall just hasn’t been as efficient in scoring as Georges Niang was.

— Andy Larsen, The Salt Lake Tribune, 16 Nov. 2021

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'efficient.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

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First Known Use of efficient

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2

History and Etymology for efficient

Middle English, "active, immediate (of a cause)," borrowed from Middle French & Latin; Middle French, borrowed from Latin efficient-, efficiens "producing or giving rise to something, immediate (of a cause), active," from present participle of efficere "to make, bring about, produce, carry out" — more at EFFECT entry 1

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The first known use of efficient was in the 14th century

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efficiency expert


efficient cause

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“Efficient.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/efficient. Accessed 28 Nov. 2021.

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7y ago

I am efficient 



1 reply


9y ago

efficient woman with a love of order, purity, and cleanliness.




8y ago

sf lng dpat dictionary nah.. 


xDD lng p0e nkakatu0ng tlga ang Dictionary... :)



1 reply


More Definitions for efficient

efficient adjective

ef·​fi·​cient | \ i-ˈfi-shənt  \

Kids Definition of efficient

: capable of bringing about a desired result with little waste (as of time or energy)

an efficient worker

Other Words from efficient

efficiently adverb

More from Merriam-Webster on efficient

Nglish: Translation of efficient for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of efficient for Arabic Speakers



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shrubs having opposite leaves and showy clusters of usually sterile white pink or bluish flowers

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alt 5a70a318f20de

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Is the project green-lighted? Or greenlit?

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Just to get the blood flowing

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10 Phrases from Shakespeare

Where the "Green-Eyed Monster" Comes from


illustrated notebook that says everyday vs every day

'Everyday' vs. 'Every Day'

A simple trick to keep them separate

semantic bleaching text on white background

What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'?

How 'literally' can mean "figuratively"

video literally


How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe...

video his or her

Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice?

The awkward case of 'his or her'


a table filled with colorful herbs and spices

Name Those Herbs and Spices

How many do you know?


a series of wooden blocks with emoji style emotions

Name That Emotion

It's a whole mood


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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Stupidity begins when you go against nature

fallacy fake phony false teaching beliefs that ruin your life

work yourself into a frenzy

hard work never killed anyone

you're lazy unless you push yourself

always someone and something better OUT there, 

better than what you are and what you have

your best is never good enough

competition is the way of life

you must cut throats and kill to get what you want

survival requires eliminating any others that are around who can eat your food take whatever you have

i will be happy LATER on, when such and such happens

i will be happy when ....   i have this, i win the lottery, 
other people change to suit me, outside circumstances fit what i want

We humans like to watch parodies of ourselves

Some people men mostly, (less often some women) spend a lot of money and or time fantasizing about one they do not have

 people, any male or female

 predominantly males

buy things like magazines, books, videos,

movies, tapes, gadgets

so they can fantasize imagine live in a fantasy

that they have 

or are having sex

with a real person they have seen

be it neighbor, friend, family member

or a fictional person or people

they don't know

and will never meet

such as a multifude of stranger, strange, strangers


celeb celebrities 

imagine, imagining being with some person somewhere 

who exists in their mind not physically present not living in their life

Some people focus on fantasizing about having this

wonderful sex with another and

at the same time do not fully appreciate the person

they have in their life

always thinking that there is something and someone better

out there somewhere

That who they have is not good enough

Some will say anything to get the prize/dessert/sweet reward

 lie connive cheat steal


to get the thing they want

then do a 180 flip and 

go back to being the real monster self

they are

until they are 

hungry again

How a beautiful princess stays one.

I love lighthouses. Light house. Why? I don't know

 Loved to look at light houses ever since I was very young.

Don't know why because I never lived by one and

haven't been inside one.

It is a single tower by a body of water.

Solo. Expressing mystery and wisdom of nature and life at the same time.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Jerk hood is learned in childhood and remains constant throughout life

Once an Ass, always a jerk

stupid males think they can say whatever they want then buy you something and you will forget and forgive repeated ass hole behavior

 they believe they can

buy their way out of being

a complete insidious nasty rude ass hole

they think you will automatically forget all of the 

rotten crap they have said and done

if they buy you flowers, any gift at all

give you money

or do some hard work

they believe in punishment and reward system

Generalised thinking

 I'm hungry so

I will eat anything 

around, any food i see, smell that is convenient

i'm horny i will desire and screw what is available

i heard you say i want something so i will get you a general

vague item i thought i heard you say but i won't take the

time to find out exactly what you want because it take too much time and effort

not real picky or choosey about majority of things 

Specific I am . General he she they are

 very specific

 not generalized 





to the point






impudent definition

Definition of impudent

1: marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others : INSOLENT

2obsolete : lacking modesty

I (female woman) am the one to discern be picky as to choice of male company NOT the other way around

 i choose associates, mate

who to be with in any situation

be it friend, spouse, in the company of any stranger momentarily

i choose to never tolerate rude nasty impudent improper any person male or female

Focus is key to accomplishment, a narc wants to break your concentration so you will fail to reach your goal of happiness

 they know if they can

disrupt your focus on one thing at a time

they will destroy 

your mission

keep focusing 

The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary. thomas edison

A belief, a result of experiences, rote repetitive messages, repetition, instinct

 belief is just a personal opinion

sometimes based on fact 

usually upon individual experience


messages pounded into conscious mind

by associates



Feeling good: aim of all selves, the self. Methods used..

Joy and happiness is a possible goal state of mind and feeling by human beings; Feeling good

Accumulating stuff is one goal of humans: Being materialistic

Cinderella watch age 7. Birthday present 1968 July 7

 Pink wrist watch with Cinderella on the face.

First watch I had.

Story of my life!


Little mommy

Monday, November 22, 2021

wimp man chicken shit actions

 the weak wimp wimpy male

does not want to any other male viewing the female woman wife gf girlfriend anywhere at

will not want to be in the company of others or in any crowd of people

with the woman because he will not stand up for

defend her ever at any moment in time for any reason

is not proud of the woman in his life

will not tell her any positive things about her so that he

can try to destroy her self confidence and feelings of self worth and 


he spends massive amounts of money on himself and any items

he wants and throws a super fit temper tantrum if he think that

his woman has or desire any thing service, activity that

costs any money and 

even becomes irate when she does any action that is completely

FREE costs no money at all

and that activity makes her happy

so she is beautiful without having any extra anything to try to

make herself attractive

he will not compliment her in public or rarely say any nice thing to her in

private. this is designed to keep her down in in control as if she is an

inanimate material object such as a piece of wood or plastic, metal or any other

material that cannot breathe eat or do any other life function

Male typical

 spend large amounts of money on big ticket items for the self

spend money on self for any and all things he wants

deny the woman, wife, girlfriend, family, kids, children things they want

tell me the female that whatever i want is too costly, costs too much, is stupid,
unnecessary, that i don't need it, 








hunting fishing boat boats boating

sports item hobby hobbies

guns ammo ammunition

whatever item he is interested in collecting 

be it movies music entertainment items 

electronics stereo amplifiers speakers 

entertainment centers

view any type of porn pornography of any person place thing that

turns him on

block me stop my communication limit my interactions with anyone else

to go anywhere do anything 

Top priorities for typical person: News, money, material things. Spectator sports. Designer clothing.

 Expensive cars


clothes shoes makeup perfume 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Biggest fear is to endure the pain and torture you inflict upon others.

You have a mind of your own", grandma said

There is FIRE in your eyes! grandma said to me all of the time

Hoarder beginnings

 Clutter piles in majority of building 

Can't find things

Cramped quarters

Tight hallways

Difficult to get through walkways hall entrance  exits

Shelving and racks too much too high

Difficult  to clean

Too time consuming  to  clean

Piles in each square inch or foot of space

Saying I don't have  enough space

Says I don't have enough time 

Minimizing the time it takes for other people to do something anything

Difficulty moving freely in the home or office or business / building 

Entryways crowded 

Stacks of stuff fall unexpectedly or

When walking thru small tight pathways in home

No or low maintenance or upkeep of properties 

Simple tasks are impossible or take much longer than normal 

Buying multiple products of same items because it is hard to find anything in the home

Saturday, November 20, 2021

all of us are children at heart regardless of age


and seeking youth

in ourselves 

and in other kids children

young people



20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s

amass fortune or be poor: all seek youth

 rich with money?

poor without?

all seek want desire

youth young

all like the cute

return to childhood

return to adolesence

teenage years teen teeny bopper



innocent looking acting



running jumping playing curious


Male beats his chest : female shakes her ass

What is the deal with some ugly old ladies and men owning beautiful expensive things?

 I wonder if it makes one ugly as they age

to be obsessed with

owning material things

that cost a lot of money.

Noticed this phenonmenon.

"You don't need that" things I have been told I do not need

 Formal education: college


Expensive office software  

such as microsoft office, intuit quickbooks, any similar item

Why do some think there is something wrong with me because I am not driven by materialism?

Who wears celebrity clothing? Why does anyone use food, makeup, cologne/perfume or any item designed and sold by a celebrity?

 Do celebrities wear their own clothing ?
Do they wear other celebrity clothing?

Do they wear each other's perfume/cologne or

makeup line?

Thursday, November 18, 2021

grandma said they all want sex, pick a man with some money, which i did not do

 i chose love 

did not pick any guy due to the amount of money he has or had

the thought of coupling with a man

i cannot stand is so revolting

even once 

and especially having to live with one 

and have intimate relations for years

hundreds of times

i chose love

none of them loved me

it was purely to take out their sexual desires upon me

because they couldn't get anyone else

a hole is all i have been treated as: like celie in the color purple movie and many other movies/stories



alice in wonderland

sex object hole

not one male has ever had interest in me as i am

who and what i am


my mind

what i want

what i need

simply around for a replacement 



to take the place of some one else some other

woman they want and fantasize about

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

She had to have the best of everything to prove her self worth 

and that she had money and

wasn't broke

Bernadine Elaine MILES Layson


to 6-16-1992

Throw me into the ocean lake water : Watch me SWIM .. haven't drowned yet

I don't laugh at "jokes" that inflict pain onto others. It is NOT a joke, not funny to me

Life is a familial community thing: We exist in this ocean doing what we love and by helping each other

Save that candle never burn it.. you will be dead and someone else will burn that pretty candle you hung onto for years

We run around in circles like rats in squirrel cages not getting anywhere.. just exercising until death

Barking dogs are like crying babies. Disturbing us by calling attention to themselves

 how can some people tolerate

constant barking dogs

and ignore

a baby crying

it drive me up a tree nuts

bat shit crazy

i cannot ignore it, these sounds of

animals crying calling out for help

Unreal ideas that do not exist: cause of destruction and problems

 first last

best worst

winner loser

beautiful ugly

smartest dumbest

Best and worst don't exist. Not real.

First and last don't exist

You're not going to GET Ahead of anybody. You're just going around in circle spirals.

I will never be first at anything. No one knows who was the first, no one will be able to prove who was first

leave a person alone so they can create : miracles happen

 life is a buffet.. eat it slowly


karate lessons when i was

12 belton missouri

in walnut building school

mr berkovitch

star 5 point human body stretched out

 fear of stupidity is justified

fear of ignorance is not

 She collected beautiful  things.. Bernardine layson

More stuff she had the meaner and uglier she became

I ended up with everything she had

And kept my beauty because i shared it

And gave it away

I go back to the dirt / grave soon like

All the rest, everyone else

Dead are worshipped, the living are wished dead

Hear but dont listen

 Know but don't realize

Don't understand

Don't want to know

Monday, November 15, 2021

You want what you don't have

Girl I am going to fatten you up. He gave me doughnuts at super flea every weekend.

 skip, duren sleyster owner at super flea in the old

montgomery wards building

would give me donuts in the morning when I 

came in to work at the booth on the weekend

(saturday and sunday)

he said, 'girl , i / we are going to fatten you up!"

2009 he died at age 85

he knew doughnuts are a type of food that causes

fat swelling and weight gain

I learned this fact when I was 15 from personal experience

boyfriend bert kaderly would take me to get doughnuts

in the moring before school

i gained 10 pounds in one month

so i quit eating 2 or 3 doughnuts a day and lost the weight

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Lots of guys are lined up waiting for your wife so straighten up and act like a man

My absence is your pleasure

 What I experienced 

Some are nice some are not

All can be both

Some are nice most of the time 

those are genuinely kind

All people know how to be polite in public

Fake or real natural

Phony or. Genuine

Out for what they can get at someone else's expense

Thieves back stabbers robbers selfish stingy greedy 

Inherently cruel mean hateful killers

Dream destroyers

Out to sincerely help others out of desire to see all happy

Benevolent kind helpful sweet trustworthy truthful 

Don't understand cruelty









Black balled





Being alive


He will look at you or me if he wants sex. Or money. Period.

 Duties errands




Why he looks at me or you

He wants something from you

He cares only about what he can get or gain 

He doesn't care one iota about me or what I want or need

Just like an animal 

Example my pet cat. She hangs around me only when she's hungry 

And circles hovers around her food bowl dish

She leaves promptly after she gets what she wants...food

Water milk

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Scud bucket behavior

 Empty threats

Complete threats followed by criminal action

Stealing, lying, cheating

How to beat a slumlord at his own game

 How to beat a slumlord at his own game


Slum lord landlord behavior

 "The goal is to use and abuse tenants and do as little as possible, all the while collecting as much income as possible, while the property steadily declines."

Are You Dealing With A Slumlord? Five Signs To Watch For


Property is registered with government offices for valid reasons

 If we did not have the government offices to properly register 

ownership of property such as a house, home, automobile,

boat, trailer, etcetera

and marriage licenses issued 

an unknown number of people 

would steal, rape, lie, cheat, rob, pillage and do

whatever they want with anyone anywhere any place and

anything without regard or respect for 

any person, place, animal or thing

He thinks he can get someone better so he treats me like garbage

Some people worship strangers and treat the people they know like shit not appreciating what they have

Sell it or sit on it

I fell in love, he fell in lust

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Sugar, salt and flour overdose kills

NO pleasing is possible with narcissist

 Forever controlling, attempting to control everyone except themselves


and can't figure out why... doesn't want to know why...

doesn't want to hear IT,

IT being anything except for BAD news

nasty stuff and 

WARS, crime, hate ,,, and talking about how

HORRILE people are and the world is

Identifying snake dick ass behaviors and rotten personality

 Easy to do:

Are you/they complaining 


whining bitching moaning a lot?

Are you being greedy, selfish, self-centered me first and plain mean?


Rude, pushy, hateful, resentful, vengeful?

Egotistical, cocky, holier than thou

my shit don't stink attitude?

Is each and everything an episode of destruction

with you or them throwing a temper tantrum fit

like a little tyrant who can't have their own way

with it all?

Are you threatening someone, somebody, some thing with some

kind of destruction or loss?

Do you place too high of a value on your stuff

saying well I have got to get at least this much money out of 

that thing or else I am NOT going to sell it

then turn around and

not want to pay anything for anything expecting alot of things

to be plain FREE and people to do stuff for you for NOTHING

because you think EVERYONE OWES YOU


Do you HATE to do anything for anyone?

Do you DESPISE others and hate animals and children?

Everyone has their own pot stirring and brewing something up.

Chronic stress destroys it all regardless of diet, exercise, money.. Dump it.

 Avoid stressful people

and situations you/I don't need

Conflict on constant basis with no relief and no possibility of joy

is the same as being chased by a wild animal (lions, tigers and bears 

ha ha)

and you're running at top speed to get away

to save your life

but you can't get away from the beast

chasing you mentally

eliminate any unnecessary stress

Your kidneys overproduce adrenaline

your liver and kidneys crash

you're dead, going to push yourself into an early grave

running yourself ragged into the ground (the GRAVE)

for the WHAT?  the almighty DOLLAR

working for a slave owner who thinks they are your master

HUH! Who is the master, who's your boss??

Ideas inventions business, products, activities, collaboration

 Now sold as ellipse the pedal machine to move feet i invented in my mind when i worked at irs as a data transcriber 1997 january to may

Sitting for 8 hours a day in a chair was horrible for my body legs back neck arms . A bicycle like pedalling device placed in front of the chair so i could move my feet id what i thought woulc be brilliant to aid circulation and pain relief

My life is fraught with many ideas and inventions i never got credit for . I didnt know how to go about implementing them for prototypes and resale

My lack of know how, lack of media input and influence,  is the only differenve between me and the wealthy, famous, rich people

How do I feel? The only question I need to ask.

Are you really in the know when you watch the news?

Mud manure slingers and gold dust sprinklers: two types of people

To the shit slingers throwing mud

hey I grow better and better with more crap you throw on me!

thanks to you A holes talking from the butt end rear

gold dust sprinkling fairy godmothers:

thank you so much for your sweet love and my and all  dreams you support

dreams are where life begins/starts and the reason to keep on going!!

cheer leaders rule!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

IF he/she gives it to you they can take it away. CAN'T TAKE MY SPIRIT It belongs to the source energy

Found whatever I sought

 each time I wanted to learn know


have found what I was looking for

seek and ye shall find

He thinks he owns me if he gives me anything






joining body bodies 

'I don't know' is not accepted by some people

 those who can't understand

think they have to know each and every little thing

are controlling, fearful

I answer alot of questions with I dont know because IDK

and one who cannot get it

badgers me repeatedly with endless identical questions

demanding a fixed solid answer as to what is going on

and who is doing this or that and why are they and

what is going to happen 

with certainty

and I simply say

I don't know

drives him nuts bat shit crazy

over the edge

bend over; bending over is all it takes

 bend over; bending over is all it takes 

he instantly thinks of sex

"round thing in my face"

"I am not stupid" said by one who fears stupidity

the more I let go the more I have

why he follows me around

 he has to know what i am doing every second when i am around

trying to determine my state of arousal

am i ready or not

he does the SAME thing to every female anywhere at any and all moments

he is trying to figure out what i am doing

thinking feeling

going to do

and usually has no clue as to what i am 

so he or she remains confused as heck

scared because has no control over me or it all 

I / we Instantly recognize what we see hear smell taste touch to determine what it is

 male determines desire for and  access to sex instantly

female scans entire area for same to determine suitability and desire 

Healthy looking=breedable, able to breed

Monday, November 8, 2021

penis drives male like stick shift in a car

What purpose did I serve to him and past males?

 sources of use: sex and money

being used for stable reliable sex partner

(I fell in love, they simply want sex, period)

errand runner

house cleaner


child bearer (they did NOT want any children, giving birth was not planned,
it was an accident)


some "BODY" to have around as if I am an inanimate DOLL 
without any brain, feelings, thoughts or anything of my own

Not understanding a book is the same as not reading one

Veritas Truth Light bulb comes on with realizations


finally knowing realizing

why now and past things people said and done

are making more and more sense to me

I've had enough of chicken shit little boy adult males


impolite rude 

easily angered

lie cheat steal

dont want commitment marriage

cant understand anything

dont want to understand

constantly saying i am not stupid

perverted sex obsessed 

pornography is their thing

cant treat one woman right and desire to have sex with all

egotistical tyrant


hoard things hoarders 

wont give skin off a grape to anyone

miserly miserable


micro managing

humiliate others 

no regard for anyone's feelings


believe having money and things are top priority

think they can have sex with any woman they want

treat the woman they have like dirt filth and cockroach

buy expensive things for themselves and deny

even simple things and free pleasures to their woman 

feel entitled to everything

do not respect boundaries

disrespectful of me and others

cant admit not knowing

dont want children

dont like children

want sex act performance and no responsibility of the effect which is
producing children

self satisfaction is first and foremost for them.. everyone else is 
non existent, unimportant trash in their mind

Unconscious thoughtless habits and actions seem to dominate our behavior

Hoarder house lessons I learned realized this year 2021

Matthew 6:19
Verse Concepts
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

Ecclesiastes 5:13

There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: riches being hoarded by their owner to his hurt. When those riches were lost through a bad investment and he had fathered a son, then there was nothing to support him. As he had come naked from his mother's womb, so will he return as he came.

Lesson 2021 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

 Matthew 6:19

Verse Concepts

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

Matthew 6:20

Verse Concepts

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Storing-Treasure-On-Earth 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Poor parenting and people skills. Mothers and fathers who do NOT know best

Poor parenting and people skills. Mothers and fathers who do NOT know best

Telling the person what to do in each and every single moment

Asking repetitive unnecessary questions

Questioning each thought, feeling, action of the other

Judging the child, the person's own judgment as to what they need

Believing you know when the other person is hungry and what they want to eat

Acting like you don't know why someone does any particular thing they do

Forcing nonsense information upon another

Pushing trivia onto others as if it is the meaning of intelligence

NOT allowing the child/person to learn for themselves

Taking over each and every activiy of the other

Name calling

Threats, punishment

Restricting any or all movement of another

Micro managing constantly

Assuming the other person is ignorant, stupid, incapable and can't think or
figure or do anything for themselves as if they are an idiot

Physical: Pushing, shoving, hitting, slapping 

Interrupting the other not allowing them to finish a sentence or
an activity they are involved in

Expecting someone to immediately stop doing what are doing and
respond to your demand 

Assuming you know what the other is thinking and what they are
going to say

Putting words into someone's mouth

Unrealistic expectations 

Expecting perfecion 

Demanding respect and not being respectful

Being a hypocrite

Be seen. That is all it takes for a female such as I am

 Female such as I am

in my own experiences 

learned countless times

that being seen is all it takes

for a heterosexual male, 

not any one man in particular

but virtually any variety of man or boy

in any type of living circumstance

be he single, married, attached or not 

who has reached adolescent sexual maturity

who has been anywhere I have been or has

seen me in a photograph but never in person

to approach me 

and his goal is SEX

The female doesn't have to DO anything to be desired
or approached. Just be seen, sometimes just heard

His one and single aim is to

do that one thing

trying and hoping to accomplish that 

and get it over with

so then he goes on to the next

female /woman/ girl and the next

and the next onto infinity

Some are truthful upfront honest about it

some are direct quick fast in their approach attempt to gain access

some lie, deceive, manipulate, coerce

some force push insist rape injure physically mentally

some are demanding insistent feel entitled

some beg plead get down on their knees bow their head

some desire ownership possession total control

some don't do anything they act shy and scared

some woo be nice polite gentlemanly 

some tease humiliate criticize

some try to get some kind of reaction out of me; a testing ground

some try to buy it will offer to pay with money goods services 

some expect it for free

some think they have to work hard for it

some show off with physical strength, money flashing, loud things
like cars and trucks

some are bold

some are weak

some are humble

some love 

some don't understand love

some do not love 

some only have lust

some don't know why they do what they do

some don't have a clue

school, college did not teach me these basic life lessons

 each person is unique and has their own personality 

each animal is unique

some people change their personality persona when around different people

one is not better than the other

7 deadly sins: "Sin"being a mistake:

pride / EGO  

avarice (greed)



envy covet covetous desire what someone else has or what you think they have

gluttony; wanting more than what I you need

sloth lazy laziness not paying attention to simple things and taking care
of them 

lack of self awareness

talking too much or not at all

words without action

house i own all my life is my body. the place I live in can change at
any moment

material things are easily had and replaceable, people are not

do I own stuff or does stuff own me?

spirit cannot be contained and controlled

trying to forcefully control someone backfires with their resistance

Acting like a parent/being parental produces conflict 

Examples, IE:
"You should feel, think, do, be this or that"
"I know what is best for you and everyone else"

"I know what you need and what you want.
 You don't know yourself  therefore you
can't and are not able to think for yourself"

"I know what you are thinking"
"Here let me do it for you"
"I am only trying to help" does not help

thinking you can run someone else's life 

you or I know what someone else OUGHT to do

the tighter you hold onto someone or something the more you
lose them and it

watching someone eat food does not satisfy my hunger

nobody wins we all end up dead eventually

experience the moment; that is all I /you/we have

love spreading appeals to me naturally