Saturday, November 18, 2023

whatever i need or want or am doing he gets for himself. i mention something he gets or does it. done to maintain illusion of control dominance in household and relationship. creating dependency and total imbalance

food/eating, mattress, stereo music equipment, tires

medical care

years and years i go without seeing a doctor for my severe scoliosis, basic exams, medical treatment, ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, eczema, from 2006 to 2016 no doctor no care except one visit to a dentist 100 he paid for due to his obsession with seeing dentist about teeth

dominates telephone, any item around here

whatever i can do he does it then screams and yells i dont do anything around here except maybe the laundry and dishes

gets mail, monitors mail, has probably tossed out my stuff,  cleans off drive, patio, dusting vacuuming floors..things i can do without further breaking my back 

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