Friday, November 24, 2023

It depends on where you are and who is there as to how you are treated

 Learn this everyday, every time i go anywhere

Generally ignored in crowds, crowded places public or private

Two days ago I went to a Small place, a former pizza hut turned tavern in belton, less than 10 people including customers and working employees, i seemed center of attention . Strange.  Very unusual.

Factors i conclude probably causing this unusual attention received : 

regulars were in there sitting around drinking in the dark for hours. 

I am a stranger new face to their scene. 

I came in for a sandwich and fries thats it. I dont drink alcohol. 

In familiar and family places i am a regular and regularly ignored, dismissed, left out, unheard majority of the time. Nobody gives a flying heap about me or what i have to say, need or want. Im not even looked at unless i am dressed weird. My absence is appreciated much more than my presence. I am told to leave, shut the fuck up, get out of my way and face, 

Location and people are determining factors of treatment.

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