Wednesday, November 22, 2023

My mother was beautiful ...

 She endured much suffering . Died at age 64 on December 14, 2003. Born May 14, 1939. Sun sign Taurus, Cancer rising on ascendant. 

She ended up in poverty, lived in horrible bad ghetto neighborhood since divorce 1971 april until her death in 2003. Didn't have money but remained highly ethical, clean, looked nice, never did drugs or drank alcohol. ended up overweight due to cheap food bad diet. she did take vitamins and practiced cleanliness baths, skin care. Her savior nature caused her to marry a man who was an alcoholic, Warrren was 4 years older than me born 1957, 18 years younger than my mom.

mean hateful comments from family members including her own mother who loved her dearly but was hypercritical of her

step grandpa was instigator of criticism calling my mother horrible names because he was such an ass hole and he was proud of it. grandma would call him an ass hole sonofabitch bastard mother fucker and he enjoyed her screaming at him, telling him exactly what he was. grandpa leroy called my mother fat, lazy because he could not stand to relax himself. he was overly competitive and thought it was the way to be. he was a very hard worker however was repulsive to me ever since i can remember. I was 5 years old he scared me half to death with his loud voice, yelling and bad breath. Trying to give me a hug and I pushed myself away from him. Didn't like him or trust him. Grandma kept me safe and clean and healthy and protected me. He was rude rash crazy fast driver. Thought the was so intelligent. She called him an educated idiot. How true. 

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