Thursday, November 30, 2023

Rude impolite disrespectful behaviors

 Raining on my parade shitting on happiness joy of another

Denigrating devaluing another

Taking over choices of another : food, eating, clothing, hobbies, work, school, education, yelling when not life threatening emergency

Invading territory personal space

Grabbing stealing food off anothers plate area

Sucker punch

Sneaking up on unannounced

Belching burping passing gas and not saying excuse me

Nose picking in front of anyone

Not washing hands thoroughly

Handling food from serving plate with your hands dirty clean or not

Reaching far across table for condiments platters or anything else (pass instead)

Licking serving utensils spoons ladles forks knives and especially attempting to return licked or touched utensil to serve food or drink, these are heathen animal actions

Talking over another, finishing sentences

Doing things another can do and expects to do

Treating others like they are dumb stupid incapable

Not allowing others a choice to make a decision. (Here, let me do it for you since you are obviously incapable attitude)

Humiliating others

Constant criticism

Noises made or lights turned on or off in any fashion mode waking people up rudely suddenly frightening them 

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