Thursday, January 4, 2024

What good is owning stuff when you worry about having it stolen?

 Many incidences in my life experience include being attacked, raped, robbed, vandalized and hearing first hand accounts from victims and perpetrators.

Age 16. Living at 336 brooklyn , kansas city, missouri, the poverty stricken northeast area hood ghetto, in my moms apartment building basement. I was at work at tg&y on the avenue indepence, came back home, entire jewelry box stolen including all the bracelets rings gems all gone forever.

16 age.  A 7 inch vinyl record holder full of my favorite 45 rpm music stolen same day, place

12 age. 7th grade belton, missouri walnut building.Lunch money stolen out of my purse in english class by april zambs who sat behind me. She also peered over my desk craning her neck over my  shoulder in social studies history class copied copy my work during tests in class, mr dennis beebe was our school teacher. I cried in both classes 

Age 11 or 12. House burglarized ransacked . 525 stacey dr, belton, mo. All of grandpas coin collection and grandmas jewelry stolen. 

1985. Age 24. Husbands gold nugget diamond ring looted off back of our toilet in bathroom and expensive 35 mm camera ripped off by alan the friendly next door neighboor our address 4 redwood court, belton, missouri

1987 summer. Cheap car stereo stolen out of my unlocked 72 plymouth satellite during the night. 31st and linwood kcmo apartment building. I figured they wouldnt break windows and doubted anyone would steal such a cheap radio but they did steal it and did not break any windows or damage the car at all.

1991 husbands house burglarized ransacked bad what a mess. Entry patio door in back. by food lane 117th place. All stereo equipment speakers guns electronics stolen. 

1993 July. My co worker was kidnapped at work that evening late right around closing time 10 or 11 pm his little light green fancy truck stolen. I was the last person who saw him that worked at that gas service station Clark Oil Co 93rd and blue ridge blvd.  The gang members, 5 i believe it was,  took this 19 year old male to swope park and shot him in the back of the head. Killed him execution style. They drove his truck somewhere in ghetto hood racing it and wrecking it, police got them on troost avenue ..i dont know exact address and all details.

1998 october. My house burglarized on crestview dr, kansas city, mo. Front door broken off hinges by the perpetrator. He used his body shoulders and feet and kicked the front door into interior wall. Thief stole tv remotes, cut cable tv cords, had one big tv on front porch. Culprit jumped into his vehicle and left scene after neighbor woman next door yelled at him you better leave i called the police.

1980s to 90s unsure of year. Someone stole cash out of my small coin purse i stupidly set in middle of table at dinner dance i attended with my father stepmother her girlfriend and gf husband,. Suspected thief was the gf no way to prove it. Lesson, never leave money on the table, keep cash on my body concealed.

1986, 87, 88 or 89 teen neighbor crawled thru bedroom window stole my husbands guns

My fathers house, his work vans and trucks and cars, his tools, clothes, food, money, furniture anything he had were frequently stolen. The thieves were usually his own family, sons and nephews being the most common, along with various associates who knew him or his family. Several of my brothers and cousins were on drugs and would steal materials dad purchased for electrical jobs and tools then sell those things to buy drugs with the cash. John, Jerry, Jack and Darryl , 4 of my brothers, are all dead and were addicted to drugs.

2019 january. In church parking lot as i attended 7 pm service, man busted out drivers window of my 92 dodge grand caravan using a rock. Stole my cell phone and purse containing all my cash, id/drivers license, debit cards and more.

Family members and some of their friends co workers associates buddies were common thieves. Some people my dad knew were low life petty thieves as well as high white collar criminals, some were arrested and served time in jail. Some went right back to crime and thieving after released from prison. Some have said they liked jail, it was a place to stay, a place to eat, to exercise, even make new friends.  My brothers told me some of these associates were murderers, some killed inmates while in jail and never got caught. A few told me some burglars tricks, methods of house home or business theft stealing.  I knew these jokers couldnt be trusted so i wanted no part of them and definitely did not want them at my house.

Beings will steal anything according to the individual, the need, desire, want or circumstance. Reasons vary. Some seem to steal for no reason. A person can steal more than just material things. They can steal your body, your mind and your time. 

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