Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Tired of having to do food comas to induce sleep

 Or do anything such as otc , alcohol, drugs, starvation, stuffing, chemicals, vitamins, minerals, over exertion,  

So i can go to sleep

So i can attempt a regular routine of any kind appearing to be normal which doesnt exist in me and might exist in most people

So other people might be able to deal with me

So I can fit in , which i never did naturally

When my energy level is usually at its highest, peaking out, often very late around midnight i am eating to put myself to sleep which i dont want to have to do

I want to run my energy out naturally as it occurs never according to what anyone else thinks

It is becoming more apparent, more evident i ought to live alone

Wherever i am it ought to be where no one is watching me, monitoring me. They can monitor themselves. Live their own lives of regularity and what it normal for them

Sometimes i feel like i could sleep for 2 or 3 days straight and at times feel i could be awake more than 24 hours. A strange, weird phenomenon with me thats bern there as far back as i can remember, at least back to age 4, 5. Dont know what the cycle or pattern or link is. .. food? Weather? Events? Creatures around me? No identifiable common denominator to reveal why. What is the pattern, the cause? It would take more than sherlock to figure it out.

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