Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Yesterday i empathized with my ex edward in my mind relating to the traumas he endured i had only a frsction of knowledge about.

 Yesterday i empathized with my ex edward in my mind relating to the traumas he endured i had only a fraction of knowledge about. 

Mean stepfather. Rigid mother. Abandoned father. 

Cold emotional upbringing ...the people focused on providing money and material things , disregarding feelings of him. 

It was a feeling transfer i had not experienced before. 

The child he was. Once when he was a boy. Treated coldly expected to be a man as a child. Step dad cruel sarcastic put on image. My grandma said he was fake and put on an attitude ...she saw right thru it. She saw thru his mother, too. Something i couldnt do. Didnt know. Me too young naive gullible.. stupid, yes easily fooled. 

Ed loves animals his pets. He cried over losing dogs. Had a pet raccoon when he was a boy. I think someone took it away. Ed burned my 5 year old sons baby blanket in the bbq grill in 1982 83 one day when i was cooking . He burned it when i went inside the apartment so i didnt see, did not know until after he did it. He sad he is not a baby he doesnt need that damned blanket!

That adult son burns anything he can in a grill or outside anywhere or inside the house in a fireplace. Bonfires of trash and mattresses.

My youngest son burnt his sons paper drawings in his fireplace when my grandson was 5 as my grandson cried screamed pleaded begged daddy dont do it!

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Political and religious obsessed people

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