Monday, April 8, 2024

Desiderata moved me in my 20s. The husband thinks its stupid , doesnt get it

 My ex sister in law lisa remembers me as the desiderata

She printed it gave it to me as a gift for christmas back in 2013 or 2014 maybe 2011 2012. We were at her moms house, my ex mother in law, for the holiday

The poem touched me deeply in each atom proton neutron center of my body and soul. This piece as well as any other writings similar, does nothing for my husband. Like the serenity prayer; he thinks its stupid because he believes there is nothing he cant control.

I remember getting the poster of this famous poem on christmas 1989 or 88 from vern peterson the man i was working with painting and remodelling houses. When i brought it here and put it on my bedroom wall he didnt like it so i took it down. Another of many things i had to remove stop not have due to him

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