Monday, April 29, 2024

Husband and eldest son are insane

 And it seems like there isn't a damned thing I can do about it.


Constantly acts insane psycho nuts to me at home or anywhere I am with him and in public if he thinks no one else is paying attention. He believes in news sources that are conspiracy theories. The last few years he blown up in public at strangers several times when he confronts them about politics; trump, mainstream media, news. If the person disagrees with him he goes off instantly. 

He is rigid in this thinking, beliefs, opinions and actions. He can only see his side of anything. He thinks i have to agree with him 100% on anything he says, believes or does and tells me I should just be quiet and never express my true self. The only option is to be 100% in agreement with whatever he says or does at the moment.

He does not want to feel good, happy or joyful. He is negative, skeptical, doubtful, hateful, mean. He tells me i am the cause of his anger, aggravation and constantly being upset. He feels like he has no choice in most things, is stuck in this housem cant move and cant control how he feels. Anger is his dominant emotion. Crossing his arms, avoiding looking at my eyes, looking away, wearing headphones and earphones often, walking away from me while talking or after saying what he had to say and expecting me to hear him when he is many feet away, in another room or when other loud noises are present are some body language and things he does. He often thinks i saw something he did just because i was in the same room.

He vacillates between being apparently nice at times for anywhere from a few minutes and sometimes even for a few hours then turns into the direct opposite in a flash, sometimes being a sheer devil with no provocation. I have no idea what is going on in his head and can't always predict or figure out what he will say or do. 

It is difficult to sit down and have a peaceful meal when he is awake and I find myself eating very late at night, in the middle of the night sometimes 3 to 4 in the morning as I have no guarantee of peace while he is awake. Frequently I have taken my meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks with me before I go somewhere instead of eating at home due to his volatile unpredictable nature. This has been going on for many years. 

I can't throw anything away, food, drink, edible or nonedible stuff or move anything around and he goes ballistic. I can't clean house, this property, yard thoroughly. NO deep cleaning allowed. Just spot and surface cleaning. 

This house is full of mold and god knows what else unseen by the naked eye or unable to be detected by smell. He will not allow anyone to come in here and do anything. No testing. No help. 

My health is suffering and going downhill. My eyes/vision is getting worse, chronic back pain and leg pain with periods where it is so bad I can barely do much of anything. And a mysterious fatigue that comes and goes without warning and no known cause. Fatigue began approximately January of 2023.  

No logical reasoning is possible. 

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