Saturday, April 20, 2024

Outside appearance: Yard, house and cars look nice. Home inside is hell here

 Says daily to me, "I want to listen to this (news on bitchute x22 alex jones), I don't want to listen to you" while wearing headphones and listening to conspiracy theories.  Gets irate if hears "conspiracy theory", says its real truth.

Listens for hours on end every day and night to conspiracies. Wont watch any regular broadcast news such as fox 4, channel 5, 9, 41 any local news in Kansas City Missouri/Kansas area or cnn, npr, etcetera. Says it is mainstream media full of lies especially about Trump.

Obsessed with Donald Trump, as if he is a God to worship and can say or do no wrong.  Fully supports and takes sides with each and every thing about Trump.

Faux strangulation of me several times starting way back in early 1990s. 

Gloves. He has gazillion pairs different kinds in big boxes. Last pair I saw in the front of car are black dressier nice ones, not work gloves 

Mega control freak micromanager of each thing I say and do. 

Impulsive to the max takes off with little or no notice yet expects me to give advance notice. Does  many things with no warning.

Runs up to me, gets in my face, raises his fist and yells, "I ought to hit you. If we go to court, I will tell the judge that you provoked me!"

Isolated himself and me in this house. Rarely have visitors. Rarely have meal/dinner gatherings, do not have parties. No celebration of anything. No holidays.  

Hot cold temperament 

Hairline atom bomb temper and ice cold avoidance. Rarely looks me in the eye.

Polite to the neighbors all think he's the nice guy with even keel temperment : Traci Sharon Alex Ellen Ken Nancy Mark Pollock...former neighbors Don and Irene and family, Tim and Lois, Darrell and Barbara Chism......

No close friends, just associates he does thing for like work on their car, home, etcetera.

Doesn't want me to talk to anybody or tell anyone anything about me or him. First thing he told me when we got together is don't tell anyone anything about our sex life, money, income, activities like when we are going to be gone. Always say the money goes all out for bills.

Keeps curtains blinds closed at night when a person might be able to see in the house. Scared someone is going to see something in our house.

Doesn't want people coming into the house, especially strangers. A few he and I have known for many years can come in but they don't stay long and he doesn't want them wandering around in the house, does not want me to show anyone the entire home. 

Arrogant belligerent difficult. Can't work with others on anything. He has to control it all.

Easily awed seeing an attractive woman gazes becomes silent fixates upon the person if live or the tv computer screen ..was cranking his neck to see billboards along way to St Louis Mo of nudie naked titty bars taverns advertisements back in May 2019 when we drove there to get my van 

Becomes very agitated at a bar or even thinking about going to one. Won't go. 

Paranoid as fuck while at a restaurant eating food and constantly thinking being watched while shopping anywhere. He tells me they think I am stealing something. I can't even crouch down to look at things on the bottom shelf at a store without him telling me not to do it. I can't leave my purse in the grocery cart. He thinks someone will steal it. If I open my purse he says they will think I am stealing something and putting it in my purse. 

Goes berserk if I spread my legs or squat even when fully clothed in the presence of anyone male or female. 

In 2020 I found out he had gathered hoards porn magazines and VHS movies and he got the stuff back in 2008 September from my ex's old house and from the next door neighbors Chris when Chris left for Washington state back in early 2000's.

First  1st time he saw me with makeup 1987 said wow you really know how to put on/wear makeup. It made my eyes stand out. I wore no makeup the first day we met that summer afternoon in May.

Addicted to the news

Can't stay away from home long especially overnight. Afraid someone might break in. Would rather someone always be here at home. He goes out somewhere for a few hours then I leave for a few hours after he gets back. Sometimes we go somewhere together. Most of the time we make solo trips. 

Locked up a tall file cabinet in his bedroom. I dont know whats in it. He said important papers. Only he has the key, not me.

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