Friday, May 3, 2024

Did I step up?

 Well, at least he doesnt steal my purse, my money, checks or credit cards directly

He just steals my joy, time, sanity and lacks love and compassion

He does not foster an environment full of education for me so i can earn more money. Like previous relationships he inhibits my school, learning and growth keeping me down so i would only be qualified for low paying mundane jobs in traditional areas. This would not include sales or real estate broker if i could earn my license and be able to drive my vehicle to show houses without him complaining about me using the vehicle. It does not include being an author, entertainment field, modelling my body if i could figure out model and be paid. I can be a caregiver part time but it pays minimum wage

At least he does not rape me, has never forced or coerced sex

He is skeptical, a nervous wreck, sees the bad side of everything, always concerned about the monetary cost instead of looking at each thing as an investment. He even throws a fit about free classes that teach anything.

He keeps his body, hair and teeth fairly clean. He shaves his face. Is this a step up?

Previous 2 husbands and several relationships involved them being bad, dirty stinky unclean body, illiteracy, thieves, criminal activity... unkempt hairy faces, stinking armpits and feet, rotten teeth. 

Whatever. I am not looking for a relationship with a man to fulfill me. Its obvious it never happened before with the ones I was with. 

No man is going to make me what I am. 

If a man treats we well he treats everyone well, if he treats me like shit he treats others like shit as well. Their treatment of others resides in their personal viewpoints of themselves and other people. It has nothing to do with me.

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