Saturday, April 18, 2020

Am I a low maintenance woman?

Am I a low maintenance woman?

I can do the following things:

cook almost any type of food for any meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner,
dessert, snacks

intuitively figure out what to eat for both of us daily

clean house, wash dishes

do my own nails, cut and wash my own hair

shave my legs and underarms

apply makeup when I feel like it

sweep, mop, vacuum floors


clean windows

wash and clean out the car

do the laundry

sew on a button, sew a hem, fix a tear in clothes

balance my checkbook

pay bills

read (I know my ABC's, too)



think for myself

observe the whole picture as well as the little things

go with my flow

allow others to go with their flow

have lots of patience

smile, laugh, have fun

appreciate beauty, life, little and big things, people, animals, plants, the world
instead of denigrate

get along with most people

entertain myself with ease. enjoy solo activities

enjoy social activities

entertain at home


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