Monday, April 27, 2020

Once upon a time I had a sweet girlfriend named Beth.

Once upon a time I had a sweet girlfriend named Beth.

She talked to me for hours and hours on the phone and in person, as girls do.
She told me the truth and showed me what life was about.

Beth is a loving, affectionate, passionate girl
who loves people and loves her family and friends.
She has a big, BIG heart.

She loves, adores and respects her husband
and does the best she can to teach her children
and let them know she loves them with all of her heart.

She likes to share her true thoughts and feelings
and is right about that.

Beth is full of wisdom. The goddess in her sees
through all and knows the right thing to do at any time.
She is a woman,  full and true.

Sarah Wilson Stillwell


girls talk

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