Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Another Universe request received! An exercise ball.

Another Universe request received!  An exercise ball.

A couple of weeks ago I was wanting
and telling people I need an exercise ball to
help me with my balance.

The physical therapist
I saw at TMC Lakewood Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri
last summer, July, 2019
recommended I use one of these huge balls
due to my severe scoliosis, 38 degree
curve: T12, L1 and L2 are prominent injuries.

Lo and behold, on 4-20-2020
while driving home I spotted a big green ball on the side of the road.

I turned around on Bannister Rd close to Wornall Rd and
went across the street and grabbed the ball.

This is one of countless millions of "ask for and you will receive"
examples that I have received during my life.

I decide what I want or need and let it go. Relax. It appears in
unexpected places.

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