Wednesday, March 31, 2021

threats to his ego and insecurity

threats to his ego and insecurity

opposites attract

i command, he demands

my confidence

my patience

my wisdom

my knowledge

my insight

my intuition

my independence

i am well liked by others and

others want me around

i am friendly

i am congenial

my beauty

my pleasantness

my desirability

my giving nature

i am loving

i care about others feelings

i am aware 

i am sensitive

i am kind

i am natural

i like to have fun, he likes to complain

i am easy going

i am generous

i know abundance is everywhere

i am courageous and brave

i am secure with myself

my self and body image is fine

my lack of need for approval

i don't need anyone's opinion

i don't ask for opinions

i know what i like

i know what i want

i don't follow anyone

i am a leader

i lead myself

i am not concerned with what anyone thinks

i am inner directed

i am self propelled

i know i am a free spirit

i am flexible

i am relaxed

i meditate

i focus

i don't have to have something just 

because it's around

i don't have to have a thing because i see it

or smell it or any other sense

i choose my own thoughts

regardless of the surroundings

i don't take advantage of anything just because it is there

i am honest

i am true to myself

i don't follow news or media

i don't compare myself to others

i help without asking for something in return

i am polite to everyone

i have good manners

i am respectful

i am considerate

i am gentle

i am open minded

i allow people and animals to be themselves

i understand

i ask why

Spring cleaning is daily. Every second of every hour of each day. Not just once or twice a year.

Spring cleaning is daily. Every second of every hour of each day.
Not just once or twice a year.

If I allow anything to pile up it becomes too much.

I look back in history and remember countless incidents
of my and other people's frustration and angry
outbursts due to things out of place and the inability to
find something.

Instant decisions must be made about things.
Is it necessary or is it trash?

Excited to realize cleanliness and order is essential for sanity.

 Soooo excited! Finally realized instead of just knowing on the surface
that clean, neat and orderly is the staple for feeling good.

Chaos and disorder, clutter, dirt, dust and destruction
certainly causes frustration, insanity and crazy behavior.

Why I must close my eyes.

 Why I must close my eyes. 

Eyes instantly process what is seen.

Focusing on one thing is difficult when too many things
are in the area.

I am forced to think about any item I see.

Unconsciously and consciously aware of the environment,
the brain must immediately figure out what everything is.

What is it? Is it safe? Is it alive or dead? 


Reduce amount of stuff.

Cover things up with plain colored material like cloth or

Clear off counters and tables.

Reduce or eliminate patterns in rooms.

Color coordinate and match everything in each room.

Keep items in their original containers or
use clear, white or plain colored bins and label each
bin with white stickers and black letters.

Put things away inside closets, cabinets and behind walls
so they can't be seen until I take them out to use them.
Once I am finished with it, put it back out of my sight.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Clocks, time, timers.

 I wrote down clocks, time, timers about 2 hours ago.

Was thinking about how time is so important, my mom

and how I intuititively got two little timers for me and my

grandson last year, right when he and I needed them.

The ladybug timer and the bumble bee timer.

Then I opened my bedroom door about 20 minutes ago

and my mother's old wall clock blew off the wall

and hit the floor, coming apart : 2 pieces of the clock and the

single battery.

Each person and life form is born with its own personality.

Each person and life form is born with its own personality. 


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Focus on one thing at a time until it is complete. This is creation.

Creation and creativity is in our nature.

Destruction and destroying is in our nature.

The two go together. 

Creativity often appears to be a chaotic mess
during the process and ends up with beautiful results.







OCD or love of order? Not a "disorder" to desire order.

OCD or love of order? Not a "disorder" to desire order.

I believe it is natural to want things to look nice.

Color coordination

Lovely views
Sweet and fragrant smells

Warm feelings

Happy sounds

Good vibrations

Assumptions and accusations usually come from the individual's own motives, actions and personal experiences.

Assumptions and accusations usually come from the individual's own motives, actions
and personal experiences.

For instance, I would do this in that situation

therefore I believe other people would do the same

thing that I would do.

He's always followed me around like a puppy dog.

He's always followed me around like a puppy dog.

Trying to figure out what I am thinking, what I am

going to do. Filling in my sentences as I talk, usually

wrong on assumptions about what I am going to say,

what I mean (missing the point completely).

Guessing at motives (mine and other people's) and

often wrong.

Second guesses my decisions, preferences and the like.

He tells me what he thinks I need to do in each situation
he is aware of. He might mean well but he is often 
wrong about what I want and need.

DNA stays there for eons.

 DNA stays there for eons.

What effects does this have when we acquire and use
anything, especially things that other beings have used?

Friday, March 26, 2021

A man can stay focused on one thing longer until it's done.

A man can stay focused on one thing longer until it's done.

Woman is often interrupted and has her attention scattered

amongst many people and things at once, delaying the completion

of thought, activities and projects.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Snoring. I have been told again that I snore. What happens when a person snores when sleeping?

Snoring. I have been told again that I snore. What happens when a person snores when sleeping?

(MY NOTE:  The only condition I have on this list is a crooked nose/deviated
septum which I was born with. I had rhinoplasty in April, 1989 from a
otolaryngologist which did not fix the problem.
"Nasal problems. Chronic nasal congestion or a crooked partition between your nostrils (deviated nasal septum) may contribute to your snoring."

Husband says he wants to get me (or I should get) some breathe right strips to see
if this fixes or helps the problem.

Snoring  Mayo Clinic


Snoring is the hoarse or harsh sound that occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the tissues to vibrate as you breathe. Nearly everyone snores now and then, but for some people it can be a chronic problem. Sometimes it may also indicate a serious health condition. In addition, snoring can be a nuisance to your partner.

Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol close to bedtime or sleeping on your side, can help stop snoring.

In addition, medical devices and surgery are available that may reduce disruptive snoring. However, these aren't suitable or necessary for everyone who snores.


Snoring is often associated with a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Not all snorers have OSA, but if snoring is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it may be an indication to see a doctor for further evaluation for OSA:

Witnessed breathing pauses during sleep

Excessive daytime sleepiness

Difficulty concentrating

Morning headaches

Sore throat upon awakening

Restless sleep

Gasping or choking at night

High blood pressure

Chest pain at night

Your snoring is so loud it's disrupting your partner's sleep

In children, poor attention span, behavioral issues or poor performance in school

OSA often is characterized by loud snoring followed by periods of silence when breathing stops or nearly stops. Eventually, this reduction or pause in breathing may signal you to wake up, and you may awaken with a loud snort or gasping sound.

You may sleep lightly due to disrupted sleep. This pattern of breathing pauses may be repeated many times during the night.

People with obstructive sleep apnea usually experience periods when breathing slows or stops at least five times during every hour of sleep.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you have any of the above symptoms. These may indicate your snoring is associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

If your child snores, ask your pediatrician about it. Children can have OSA, too. Nose and throat problems — such as enlarged tonsils — and obesity often can narrow a child's airway, which can lead to your child developing OSA.


Illustration showing how narrowed airway contributes to snoring

SnoringOpen pop-up dialog box

Snoring can be caused by a number of factors, such as the anatomy of your mouth and sinuses, alcohol consumption, allergies, a cold, and your weight.

When you doze off and progress from a light sleep to a deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of your mouth (soft palate), tongue and throat relax. The tissues in your throat can relax enough that they partially block your airway and vibrate.

The more narrowed your airway, the more forceful the airflow becomes. This increases tissue vibration, which causes your snoring to grow louder.

The following conditions can affect the airway and cause snoring:

Your mouth anatomy. Having a low, thick soft palate can narrow your airway. People who are overweight may have extra tissues in the back of their throats that may narrow their airways. Likewise, if the triangular piece of tissue hanging from the soft palate (uvula) is elongated, airflow can be obstructed and vibration increased.

Alcohol consumption. Snoring can also be brought on by consuming too much alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol relaxes throat muscles and decreases your natural defenses against airway obstruction.

Nasal problems. Chronic nasal congestion or a crooked partition between your nostrils (deviated nasal septum) may contribute to your snoring.

Sleep deprivation. Not getting enough sleep can lead to further throat relaxation.

Sleep position. Snoring is typically most frequent and loudest when sleeping on the back as gravity's effect on the throat narrows the airway.

Risk factors

Risk factors that may contribute to snoring include:

Being a man. Men are more likely to snore or have sleep apnea than are women.

Being overweight. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to snore or have obstructive sleep apnea.

Having a narrow airway. Some people may have a long soft palate, or large tonsils or adenoids, which can narrow the airway and cause snoring.

Drinking alcohol. Alcohol relaxes your throat muscles, increasing the risk of snoring.

Having nasal problems. If you have a structural defect in your airway, such as a deviated septum, or your nose is chronically congested, your risk of snoring is greater.

Having a family history of snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. Heredity is a potential risk factor for OSA.


Habitual snoring may be more than just a nuisance. Aside from disrupting a bed partner's sleep, if snoring is associated with OSA, you may be at risk for other complications, including:

Daytime sleepiness

Frequent frustration or anger

Difficulty concentrating

A greater risk of high blood pressure, heart conditions and stroke

An increased risk of behavior problems, such as aggression or learning problems, in children with OSA

An increased risk of motor vehicle accidents due to lack of sleep

Grandma Patty and I had the Grandma Roundtable Discussion March 14 and 20th, 2021

 The grandmothers got together and discussed their concern
for the well being of the grandchild/great grandson, Damon.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Me: Staring at nothing drives him crazy

Me: Staring at nothing drives him crazy

"What are you DOING?"

ME: "Nothing"

He can't figure out what I am thinking when I do that.
I have done this all of my life.
I stare into the dark. I stare into the light.
I stare with my eyes closed or open. 

When I am not looking at anything...
I am meditating, spacing off, spacing out..zoing out,
clearing out my mind of excess junk, trash, extraneous 
crap that needs to go.

I am highly sensitive to things that are visible and invisible
in my environment. My brain shuts out the stuff
I don't want to see because I don't want to THINK about that thing.

So if he or anyone can't know what I am thinking because
I am not looking at anything in particular then they don't 
have any idea what I am going to do. This drives this type
of person nuts and they don't know what to do.  Are they
scared? What ARE they feeling? What ARE they thinking about?

Most likely they are plotting their next move, gauging
what they are going to do by what they think I am going to do

Even if I AM looking at any particluar thing I might be
thinking about something else totally unrelated to that object.

He thinks if look at something it means I want it now
and I don't.  I can look at all kinds of things and not want them.
I can physically be anywhere and be mentally somewhere else at
the same time.

I don't have to have outside entertainments like television/tv,
a page filled with words in a book or magazine,
a radio turned on, a view of neighbor's and their activities
or any other type of outer view of anything in order to
entertain myself.  My mind is actively doing its thing
all of the time. 

Worthy Goals Ambition

 Worthy Goals Ambition

Materialistic Thinker                           Spiritual Thinker

money                                                    inner joy

outer happiness                                      peace

war                                                          appreciation

fake                                                        natural

hard work                                               ease of flow

Monday, March 22, 2021

Communication: Vital for Life

Communication: Vital for Life

Body language


Sharing information and experiences

Feeling like another person hears us and is actually listening

Saturday, March 20, 2021

We all want to eat. Who wants to clean up the mess?

 We all want to eat. Who wants to clean up the mess?

 Gestation of life begins in the dark and is created there.

The dark, hidden area is where the answers lie to be
revealed in the light. 

Throwing money at something is not always the best answer. Sometimes people confuse riches with financial position and status.

Throwing money at something is not always the best answer. 
Sometimes people confuse riches with financial position and status.

Having plenty of money is nice and valuing life is precious and invaluable.
There is no price tag on love, understanding, concern, caring and 

7 Seven

 7 Seven

Me. Seventh child.
Born 7-7-61

Damon is going to be 7 soon on April 11
significant. I will most likely be having and
possibly hosting/hostessing with my mother in law
born in October on the 4th day of the 
seventh month of the year
 his birthday
party celebration this year for the first time ever.

Last birthday I attended for Damon was his 2nd year
of life when we went to 
Deanna Rose Children Farmstead

I think it would be so neat and cool and fun to
have a pinata of his choice
like the one we experienced 
recently on March 6
at Clothier Park in Independence, Missouri

an adorable little girl dressed in a beautiful
pink dress who turned 4 that day
had a wonderful birthday party
at the park that afternoon
there were tons of pink balloons 
surrounding the picnic table
and about 15 or so people tending the gathering
the super nice people invited Damon to
hit the pinata

and he did, knocking on the legs off of it, a white
horse or unicorn
then the men who had been cooking on the barbecue
grill asked if we wanted some food to eat
one man said he has cooked 47 hot dogs or the like
and I said thank you thank you so much for the offer
damon had a huge cooked sausage dog with ketchup
and tossed the bread/bun
i didn't eat as i was not hungry
then the man asked if we wanted a piece of bday cake
again i declined the offer but damon had a huge
slice of white cake
and he enjoyed it so much
again i thanked the people for their true kindness
and hospitality 

Beneficiary deed for house

 Beneficiary deed for house

Avoid probate and costly fees and headaches.

Red tape through government institutions almost totally


The snake and circle go on and on forever. Cycles repeat endlessly.

 The snake and circle go on and on forever. Cycles repeat endlessly.

Electricity. Opposites attract.

Discipline and teaching means I love you.

 Discipline and teaching means I love you.

Raising Damon

Raising Damon

I taught my grandson, Damon, now age 6 (almost 7 years of age)
these things and many more. 

contrasts. opposites, similarities
Side to side

back and forth
push it forward/pull it back

Slow down. Allow time for things.
Do things at the proper speed.
Wait. Have patience.

You don't get everything you want immediately/right now.

Sit still when you eat.

Eat food on your own plate. Do not grab anything off of another's plate

Keep your plate close to you when you eat so you don't
drop food all over the table, the floor or yourself

Do not eat or drink and share food and utensils, cups, plates
with other people or animals

Wash your hands. Wash before eating. 
Wash after using the restroom. Wash hands before 
preparing food.

Put things back where they belong.

Use your own cup to rinse your mouth when brushing your teeth.

Be respectful and quiet when another one is sleeping

Clean up after yourself

Throw trash away

Keep things nice, clean, neat, straight and orderly

Mind your manners. Be polite at all times.

You are not the only person in this world.

You are important but not the center of attention/attraction
at all times.  Others exist and are just as important as you are.

Everyone and everything is special in its own way.

There is no such thing as the best. All things are necessary.
Not one is better than the other.

Do the right thing even when no one is looking

Try to do a thing yourself first. I will help you
after you try and ask me for help
Ask for help when I realize I can't do it myself

Take care of things regardless of how much money they cost.
Free stuff can be very valuable.

Watch out for cars coming

Watch out for animals like dogs 

Pay attention to what you are doing

Be aware of your environment

Be aware of your body and what you are doing

Be careful about what you say

Be quiet sometimes. I can't think when you are
talking all of the time.

Relax. Be still. Meditate.

Listen: What's that sound? 
listen to one person at a time
be quiet when others are talking
be quiet when a person is on the telephone/cell phone

Watch. See that. What is that?

Taste. Taste this food.

Smell. What's that smell?

Feel. Hugs are a wonderful feeling.  
Kisses on the cheek, face and forehead are nice.

Be nice not naughty.

Bad behavior: Screaming, yelling, throwing things, 
breaking stuff, pushing others, are bad behaviors and
result in not getting your way

Enjoy the weather. Dance in the rain.
Dance to the music. Love the sunshine, the warmth
and beauty of nature. 

Be happy. Be happy to see others be happy.

Enjoy life. 

Ask questions. Always. Be your natural curious self.

"There is an invisible pipeline between grandma and me",
you said many times. "Grandma seems to know what I need"

Being resourceful is very important.

You can't buy everything with money.

When you were a baby you said this,

asking me a question about everything:

Aye ya oh, IYaO, I yah oh means "What's that?" "What is that?"

8 months old

"dirt" on the floor one little dirt spot in the middle bedroom

close to the hallway at stark ave house

"corner" of the wall

I said look at the moon and you said "eggie"

because the moon looks like an egg and mommy puts an "e" on the end of words

I don't put anything at the end of words. I say them as they are
meant to be said, exactly as they are to be pronounced.

Lifestyle: Diet, sleep, exercise, activities

Lifestyle: Diet, sleep, exercise, activities



multiple sclerosis


age related symptoms

food, water, sleep, rest, 

avoiding undue stress

let go of forcing and trying to control anyone or anything

allow and be in sync


flow naturally



I love balance, beauty, ethics

I love balance, beauty, ethics


I love parties, celebrations, holidays, social gatherings.

Get togethers. Balance. People happy and getting along.




politeness, manners











The Art of Living

How To Raise A Criminal Juvenile delinquent

Friday, March 19, 2021

Boring life but never bored.

Boring life but never bored. 

heterosexual, straight

not political

not religious

not an activist

plain clothes

plain food

don't care about name brand food, clothes, etcetera



simple tastes

no makeup

no daily or weekly tv shows

not interested in any contact/combat sports

not a groupie

not a fanatic

female, definitely

not confused about my gender

Chaos and disorder drive me crazy nuts

 Chaos and disorder drive me crazy nuts

things out of place

things in wrong containers, mislabeled or no labels

mismatched anything: silverware, furniture, clothes, dishes,

missing items in containers

crooked items


piles of stuff

miscellaneous everything piled up on top of anywhere


different writing instruments stuck in one container or piled up
in disarray

outfits that have multiple patterns

multiple patterns anywhere in any room

wrong color combinations


anything that takes too long to find

broken things

things that don' work right

stinky smelly stuff like garbage and rotting things

complicated complications

long drawn out processes

unnecessary paperwork activities

excess, too much, too long, more than needed

unfinished business or anything else

dirt dirty filthy dusty greasy slimey icky nasty gooey grime grimey


I have lots of material things. I must cover up things when not is use
and things must be color coordinated, balanced, clean, neat and
organized in order for me to function as a "normal" person, the
real self that I am. 

This is my house. I'll do as I darn please.

This is my house. I'll do as I darn please.

A ceramic plaque quote on a plate that I have had for over 30 years.
Explains me. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

you are going to do what you want to do. do what pleases you and you alone

you are going to do what you want to do. do what pleases you and you alone

I put my whole heart and soul into you all my eggs in one basket and you shit on me you shit on everything about me

I put my whole heart and soul into you
all my eggs in one basket
and you shit on me
you shit on everything about me

 Some people will lie to get what they want. They do this throughout their entire life.
Common amongst men. Lying to themselves first followed by telling lies to
other people then denying that they lied or have done anything wrong. 
Never accepting responsibility for their words or actions

Some people aim to help, some people aim to hurt.

 Some people aim to help, some people aim to hurt. 

 Age 10 in fifth grade teachers chose me to be the narrator for Tom Sawyer and
Huckleberry Fin. 

I must have been good at reading and speaking way back then.
I felt left out, though because I did not get a part as an
actor/actress in the play. At that age I thought it was more important to
be chosen for a role which I was not. 

 Bambi movie made me cry. I was 5 or 6 years old first time I saw it with Grandpa
who made fun of me for my sensitivity. 

Bambi's mother died. In The Land Before Time the dinosaur mom died and
this was sad so I cried to that, too. 

 Benjamin Stables : Grandpa took me there to ride a horse. I was a girl age
10-13 or so. He kicked it and I cried.
The horse wasn't moving fast enough for him. I saw the horse was old, tired and
worn out from the heat and riding. I am "too sensitive".  To life, animals.

I must dance or die.

 I must dance or die. 

Never push or rush me.

 Never push or rush me. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

 Friday's activities I did.

Made 3 meat loaves in oven.
put leftover meat loaf in 4 small containers in freezer
put a whole meat loaf in oblong container in bottom of fridge
put another whole meat loaf in 2 separate plastic containers in fridge

Cooked barbecued beans with pork tenderloin.

ate one meal at 5:30 pm meat loaf, cauliflower, broccoli,
bbq'd beans /// dinner, listened to him tell me why can't i make
things to same way like the last meatloaf that turned out so good
this one is bland and tasteless so i said put some bbq sauce on it
that is what i did different last time, this time it is plain ketchup
i think oh my god is it that hard to put bbq sauce or hot sauce
on food to spice it up.. and i said if you dont like it then don't eat it

I feel like .. again,.. worked so hard and i hear complaining

cut up 10 lb roll of hamburger and made a bunch of hamburger
patties and put them in the freezer
cut a slab of bone in pork ribs in half and put each half in
ziploc bags then put in freezer

cleaned and cut of whole bunch of celery
cleaned and used veg peeler on 6 carrots, cut up strips
put these celery and carrots in ziploc bags, put in fridge

made a batch of brownies using 

I worked 8 hours on mundance house hold tasks
finally getting time to self
and he is up and gets up again at 245 am
so I don't feel like I really have time alone to myself at all

Spending almost the whole day with that stuff and NOT
doing what I want to do.  No stretching, no dancing, no
flexible movements, NO FUN stuff 

Laundry: folded white clothes, washed sheets, folded shirts,
put sheets on chair to finish making bed tomorrow
put white pillow cases on pillows

put 5 pillows in clothes dryer to kill dust mites, etcetera

doing dishes, sinks full of dishes, my hands are dried out,
my nails look terrible, hands all red, almost cracked dry skin,
nothing fancy here. no wonder why I can't keep nice looking
finger nails, skin and smoothe looking hands. they look beat up
to the max

Primarly goal of the male is to enter the female. Temporarily. For awhile. Then hit the road.

Primarly goal of the male is to enter the female.

Temporarily. For awhile. Then hit the road. Ditch

them until they are in the mood again.

They don't care what I/you want.
They care about what they want: right now. 

Whoever believes a man listens to me is wrong. Any man with working eyes that has seen me has not listened to what I say. Their functioning eyes blind their ears and their
mind cannot function and process what I am saying.

Any man who has heard me talk without seeing me 
wants to know what I look like. Asking me questions like
What color is your hair? Is it strawberry blonde? Et cet er ah.

I believe what I believe. Different.

 I believe what I believe. Different. 

They don't listen to me. I don't listen to them.

They don't listen to me. I don't listen to them.

Who does anyone listen to? Themselves and what they choose
to hear. What they are instinctively programmed to hear and
what they were raised with in their childhood. 

The nature (natural) instincts, unavoidable
and the (nurture) environment, also unavoidable, what
you/I/they grew up with.

Employment history and interest in jobs

Employment history and interest in jobs

T.G.&Y. variety 5 and dime store 
clerk, cashier
Belton, Missouri

Osco Drug Store
63rd & Prospect

Mission Plastics factory work
Martin City, MO

Lee's Summit, MO
Kansas City, MO  93rd & Blue Ridge

Texas Tom's
88th & Blue Ridge
Kansas City, MO

Joe's Restaurant
Red Bridge & Blue Ridge
Kansas City, MO

Grandview, MO

87th & Blue Ridge
Kansas City, MO

Waffle House
North Ave & 155th St
Belton, MO 

Lee's Summit, MO

Gas stations & convenience stores. Clerk/cashier/Assistant Manager
Town & Country Market, 350 Hwy Raytown, MO
Walker Oil, 87th & Blue Ridge, Bannister & Hillcrest Rd, KCMO
Handy Stop, 67th & Blue Ridge
McCall's, 10416 Blue Ridge, Kansas City, MO
Clark Oil, 93rd & Blue Ridge

Advertising Sales
Thrifty Nickel Want Ads, classified ads newspaper
Response Systems, selling ads on back of grocery store receipts

Royal Brokerage, warehouse order filler: packing and filling, Lee's Summit, MO

Newspaper delivery
Kansas City Star, Lee's Summit, MO
Jackson County Advocate

KMart, cashier/clerk, Lee's Summit, MO

Motel off Paseo & Independence Ave, Kansas City, MO, MAID, cleaning rooms
A1 Motel, office desk clerk, rent rooms
Capital Inn 87th & 435 Hwy, Kansas City, MO

Georgianna's Designs, greeting card assembly
85th & Troost, Kansas City, MO

611 INFO, information line answering phone

Auto Parts Delivery
Bannister Auto Parts, 1105 or 1107 Bannister Rd, Kansas City, MO
Top Buy Auto Parts 88th & Blue Ridge
Car Quest Auto Parts 8900 Troost, Kansas City, MO

Troost Muffler, office manager & auto parts delivery

Midwest Import Auto Sales, Accounting Clerk, Car titles applications
verifying car insurance for those making car payments. Worked at various locations
in Kansas City, MO and Overland Park, KS

Bestemps Temporary Work Employment agency
Office work, filing, computer data entry
Insurance companies in Missouri and Kansas

Mary Kay cosmetics
Non run pantyhose
Prepaid legal services
Water filtration system sales

Deluxe Carpet Cleaning, Grandview, MO
Southtown Heating & Cooling air conditioning
Hillcrest Rd & Red Bridge, KCMO
Action Carpet Cleaning, Hickman Mills Dr, KCMO

IRS Data transcriber

HOME painting, self employed
remodelling, light plumbing, sheetrock repair &
replacements, electrical, carpentry, staining, mudding/taping/sanding,
spraying lacquer
houses, apartments, businesses 

Electrical work with father, family, brothers, uncle, cousin, husband
installing flourescent light fixtures, outlets, switches, conduit
answered phones, typed proposals, estimates and invoices for 
residential and commercial jobs and bids for jobs through the
city of Kansas City, Missouri
Dad had/held a Master Electrician's license through Sylvania Lighting
throughout the midwest USA

Storage Trust, relief property manager
Public Storage 12 various locations in MO & KS

Color Tile, sales associate
Bannister Rd, KCMO

Super Flea, Music, movies, books, electronics sales
6200 St John, KCMO

63rd Street Swap N Shop

Little John's Root Beer Sales
traveling across United States selling drinks in glass bottles

Bottle bag assembly sewing I designed, created and sewed hundreds of bags
sold at civil war reenactments for root beer sold in various sizes of
bottles including champagne size

Child Care
nieces Stephanie & SuSanna Wilson (Sherry Laboube, sister in law & Darryl Wilson, my brother)
friend's 2 daughters (Pete K) Tina & Jackie
little girl in 1982 raytown, mo apartment complex Colonial Estates off 83rd St
Little girl in 1983 and 84 Independence, MO
niece Amber Stillwell (Karen's daughter) when she lived in Lee's Summit
Damon, grandson from July 2014 to present (March, 2021)

Rental property maintenance assisted husband and mother in laws
26 properties

Midnite Mechanics, self employed with husband
mobile auto repair parts replacement

Internet sales

Gaith's variety store in Bannister Mall
Kansas City, MO

MO Missouri Council of The Blind Thrift Store
Rusking Shopping Center, Red Bridge & Blue Ridge

Snack route sales assistant with Chuck, Little Debbie snack route

Repo repossess cars assistant with Craig Poese who was 
associate at Downtown Motors, Kansas City, MO

Interested in
sign making. Inquired at Raytown Sign Company
off 350 Hwy in Missouri
handwriting analysis
science, various subjects
human mind
social studies
reading books

Dog walking (for free on occasion / neighbors, friends)

Friday, March 12, 2021

Still weigh 125 lbs today. Varies from 123 to 129.

Personality and basic interests remain the same since childhood.

My own personality and interests have remained the same
throughout my life.

All of the people I have personally known are the same way.
People I have observed in the media and read about
in books also maintain their own personal interests
throughout their entire life.

If I'd have known this truth when I was in my teens
I would have been highly selective about who I chose
to marry or to have a partner relationship with.

The spouse (husband or wife) is the most significant
influence of all in my/your life. You have to live with
and deal with them every single day unless you
separate and live under a different roof.

I'd have been very choosey about my close friends
and more careful about my acquaintances.
I can't control who I will encounter as far as
strangers go and I have no control who my neighbors are.
I don't choose co-workers, either. 

However, I now realize that I can control who I decide
to be close to. I can choose who I spend time with and
how much time i devote to them. 

If I'd have known that

  • people maintain the same core personality 
  • maintain the same enthusiasm for their interests
  • are not going to do what they don't want to do regardless of any coaxing  
I'd have saved myself an entire
lifetime of frustration, misery, headaches, fights,
wars, battles, loss and superimposed feelings of inadequacy. 

"Just don't talk to him", advice given by one very close to me.
"Ignore them and go on about your
"Don't look at the person you don't want
to have anything to do with." 

I have encountered some people who literally
act as if I am a ghost because they don't agree
with anything about me and don't want to
associate with me. They look right through me or
look away, beyond me when I am standing right
by them. They don't care what I have to say and
they have a right to be choosey.  So do I.

I am simply saying I am much happier around
happy people. They do what they want without
imposing upon others. They don't force anyone to
be who they are not.   Happy people don't stop
another person from being creative and being who
they are. They allow others to be themselves and
stay away. 

No company is better than the wrong company.

Aarp dementia age related memory loss quiz: asking the same question or repeating yourself often within same hour: Dementia

Aarp dementia age related memory loss quiz

Your spouse tells you that you ask the same questions repeatedly.

Warning sign of early dementia

Telling the same stories at every party is fine (if sometimes irritating), but asking the same question or repeating yourself often within the same hour is more troublesome. You may just be distracted or having a bad day, but if you repeatedly forget what you’ve just said, you definitely should talk to your doctor. Family members are often the first to notice serious memory problems, Petersen says, so listen to your loved ones.

Your daughter comments that you haven’t been remembering things that her children tell you, and she’s not sure if you’re not listening or need your ears checked.

Warning sign of early dementia

There’s a lot of gray area here, and not being able to remember recent conversations is quite different from not hearing them in the first place. But both can be early indicators of worsening cognitive performance in older adults. A recent review in the medical journal the Lancet found that mild-to-moderate hearing loss may be associated with a 94 percent increase in the risk of dementia in older adults, higher than the risk attributed to most other factors. The findings are “especially important because so many older adults have hearing loss, and it can be treated,” says Jennifer Deal, an epidemiologist at the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Researchers believe hearing loss may cause dementia through its effects on the brain, or by making people more socially isolated and less active, and are studying whether using hearing aids can reduce dementia risk, she says.

Surefire fast/quick way to start a fight is to stop another life from expressing itself. Person, plant or animals.

Surefire fast/quick way to start a fight is to stop another life from
expressing itself. Person, plant or animals.

Inhibiting self expression, taking over and doing 
something another being can and wants to do for 
itself causes resistance, friction and induces war and fighting
between the people or animals or plants.

Duplication is the purpose of all life forms.

Duplication is the purpose of all life forms.

The act of procreation is one form of this process of duplicating
the self. 

Sharing knowledge, passing on information,
experience of any kind. Relating, having relationships,
friends, companion. 

Solitary solo existence still thrives to copy and replicate
itself. By creating/creation and expression of the self
via individual activities and "being" and
by consuming/eating/destroying/"destruction" other
life forms in order to exist and maintain life. 

27 year old male said to me 3-9-2021

 27 year old male said to me 3-9-2021

"If I won the lottery I'd do drugs and have sex
with as many strippers as
I could handle. I'd probably die as a result".

He told me this Tuesday March 9, 2021

at the place he works when I was buying one lottery ticket.

I said, "The purpose/meaning of all life is to procreate and duplicate itself. This is true of all forms of life.

Plants, animals, etcetera."

Monday, March 8, 2021

Natural beauty is best asset.

Dad said, "You're my daughter and I love you just as you are".

My Dad said this one day when I told him I thought he
loved my brothers--all 7 of them-- more than me because
they did the things that men do. They were
naturally interested in electrical work,
heating and air conditioning, mechanical jobs,
machinery and similar technical
jobs, many involving hard manual labor.

I was in my 30's
when we had this conversation. I heard him then
but I still wasn't really listening and didn't
understand until now. 

I had been learning and doing typical mens work
(working in cars, painting and remodeling houses
and the like)
to try to please my father and grandfather
(major influential men in my life) when I was in my teens,
20's, 30's and
more.  Until lately when I have realized
I am a girl, was born female, always was
and always will be as long as I am in this physical body.

this is the main message from all men, not just my 
father and all other male relatives of mine

Stupid is being fake. Smart is being real

being fake phony false unreal in any way

untrue to myself

thinking there is something wrong with my nature
and my natural self

feigning attention to things I am not interested in

feigning faking love for anyone or any thing

trying to be like someone else

forcing myself upon anyone else

forcing my ideas, opinions, beliefs upon anyone or anything

trying to coerce anyone to think and feel as I do

Inane definition=stupid

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Friday, March 5, 2021

People do what they want. They don't want advice or to be controlled.

We are creatures of habit. We have a will of our own. We do what we want to do
and don't take advice unless it is sought. Sometimes we don't even
act upon the information we sought out. 

 50 Shades of Grey

Mr "Rich Guy Grey" falls in love with Anastasia Simple Lady

He falls in love with the modest, plain dressed woman/young lady.

"Lady" is emphasized.

He is surrounded by women employees/co-workers in his office
who try to be sexy with their dress/attire, wear lots of makeup,
have made obvious trips to the beauty salon to "make themselves
beautiful and attractive" and 
who act / pretend to be sophisticated. 

He is not interested in any of these women.

She is a romantic English lit major who loves books.
She is "boring", doesn't do much, isn't in to anything fancy or expensive.

She is a little shy. She is sweet, simple, pure, clean, innocent, unassuming, demure,
naturally beautiful and polished. His mother is impressed with her. She approves.
Mother hasn't met any of the other women before her.

She wears little to no makeup or jewelry. Her hair is natural and long.
She has no tattoos. Nothing flashy on her body or in her
surroundings at her apartment.

She speaks slowly and clearly, without foul language. She is a lady.

She shows him she doesn't need his money.

She works at a hardware store, then for a book publisher.
She can take care of herself. She doesn't have to have him.
She does not chase him. 

She is not impressed by his bank account,
his "intelligence", who he knows or
what he (thinks) he knows or his financial genius.

She is not impressed by his things, his enormous house,
his cars, helicopter or any business he owns.

She promptly leaves him when he is mean, cruel and unethical.
He stalks/finds her, chases and hunts her down then
surprises her by showing up in her apartment after
she told him, "It was nice knowing you".

She tries to understand his pain. He doesn't want to talk about it.
He says his mother was a drug addict as if "need I say more"
explains it all.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

This is a man cave or should I say boy cave.

 This is a man cave or should I say boy cave.

No one explained the meaning of any story or song to me when I was a child.

No one explained the meaning of any story or song to me when I was a child. 

Books, tv/television shows, movies, real life anecdotes were things I
heard, listened to and watched with no person who told me
"this is the moral to the story" and this is how it applies to (your or
anyone else's) life. 

Music and song lyrics were also listened to and enjoyed, however I
didn't know what they meant.

I'm a late bloomer indeed. The light is coming on and I'm not in the
dark anymore. 

I understand why many women have used male names and initals for pseudonyms and aliases.

I understand why many women have used male names and initals for pseudonyms and aliases.

I realize why they have dressed like a man, acted and pretended to be male
and sometimes believed they are a human man.

 Intelligence and information is appreciated and respected in other people, not me..except for one person: my grandson. 

My grandson listens to me and truly loves me above and 
beyond any other person I have known.

House is a mess. Live with control freak.

 House is a mess. Live with control freak. 

Follows me around like a puppy dog.
Focuses on his own interests which are paramount
and the only thing that matters.

Breaks my concentration.
Can't understand meditation and nothingness in my brain
which is what I do to relax and maintain a sense of sanity.

Monitors my every move out of the desire to control. Period.

 Monitors my every move out of the desire to control.


Wants to know what I am thinking, how I think,
can't understand anything about me all out of the failed
attempt to control my entire being.

He hates lists I say or write.

 He hates lists I say or write.

He only keeps track of on paper or in his mind
what he has done for or "given" to anyone and me.

Toads and princes.

At night after he goes to sleep.

 At night after he goes to sleep.

Think. Concentrate. Remember. Realize.

Eat, read, write, clean floors, exercise,

dance, work. 


It is the doom of man that he/she forgets.

 It is the doom of man that he/she forgets.

"You need to change your hairstyle" said by a John Casablancas employee back in the 1980's.

 "You need to change your hairstyle" said by a John Casablancas employee back in the 1980's.

Fake, phony, false direction. My natural hair style and color is fine the way it is, thank you.

I have had plenty of people--hundreds and thousands-- comment on the natural beauty of my hair
and myself since then.  They still say it is beautiful the way it is.

How to control, influence and affect people

How to control, influence and affect people



news media

prescription drugs

otc medications

promote falsities and lies 

convince people they need something they don't need




limit, promote, restrict any thing

convince people they need to pay for things that are free

 Everything is in plain sight. 

 Innocence is sought after by all. 

"The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else." -- E. E. Cummings

 "The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else."

-- E. E. Cummings

Quick fixes, snake oil and fake stuff. People spend a lot of time trying to get out of work and deny nature.

Quick fixes, snake oil and fake stuff. People spend a lot of time trying to get out of work and deny nature.

Seeking beauty, to look nice for others. Appeals to vanity.

Hair, teeth, clothes, shoes, attire. 
Hair dye, different colors and/or styles of haircut.
Toothpaste and commercial whitening products


do you think it's going to change your inner self and
make you a better, more beautiful and nicer person
if you get a new hair color/style?

No makeup needed. I am me. Born this way. Plain and simple, unadorned. Naked and natural is best.

No makeup needed. I am me. Born this way.  Plain and simple, unadorned. Naked and natural is best. Nothing fancy. 
No glitter, flashy stuff. No tattoos. 

What you see is the real me. 
I am the same person wherever I go and whoever I talk to or meet.
For real, yes. Fake, no.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Complaining, cussing and yelling doesn't make things move faster or better.

 Complaining, cussing and yelling doesn't make

things move faster or better. 

hurry last to be best quality

 hurry last to be best quality

"The definition of success is getting many of the things money can buy and all the things money can't buy." -- Zig Ziglar

 "The definition of success is getting many of the things money can buy and all the things money can't buy."

-- Zig Ziglar

Last to hurry first to gain

 Last to hurry first to gain

 Rushing and being first is the last thing I want.

I have paid dearly for anything I couldn't wait for. Quick fixes and snake oil cures are more costly and do not solve problems.

I have paid dearly for anything I couldn't wait for. Quick fixes and
snake oil cures are more costly and do not solve problems.


12 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is an Impatient Person12 BEHAVIORS THAT REVEAL SOMEONE IS AN IMPATIENT PERSONimpatient person

 Has anyone ever told you that you’re an impatient person? Perhaps it’s not you but your spouse or another relative that seems to be on the inpatient side.

This person is usually described as having a type-A personality, and they can often come across as very rude or insensitive towards others. However, there is a method to their madness as they often accomplish a lot in life and don’t waste any time doing it.

Being in a relationship with a person like this can be challenging, but if you understand their shortcomings and cope with their nuances, it can make things easier. How many times have you heard the old saying that “patience is a virtue?” It just seems that many people lack this virtue in today’s society.


How do you spot an impatient individual or know if you fit the criteria? Here are some signs that perhaps you live life in a rush and expect others to do the same.




Nothing infuriates you more than a long line. If you must sit at the bank, wait at the BMV or any other queue that holds up your day, you may become irate. You probably equate this experience to going to the dentist and having your teeth drilled.

All this waiting is taking away from 100 other things that you need to do. Don’t be surprised if you use your voice and body language to let everyone else around you know how ticked you are that you must wait. You might make a bit of a spectacle and tell the clerk a thing or two when you get to the counter.


Sitting in traffic jams or at long red lines does require patience. You will probably honk your horn, possibly make rude gestures, and show the world how aggravated you are that you must wait.

Sure, being unable to move and sandwiched in by cars can grate on the nerves, but it bothers you more than others. How do you do when sitting in a traffic jam? Do you feel the urge to jump out and run to your destination rather than sit idle?


Don’t ever keep the impatient person waiting as they find this behavior offensive. You don’t like to wait for anyone or anything, and if someone has told you to be there at 5 pm, they better be ready to go.

Being late throws your whole day or evening into a tailspin. You may get so aggravated that someone asks you to wait that you go on without them.


It’s tough to carry on a conversation with an impatient individual because they don’t have time for a person to get out everything they have to say. Do you interrupt and talk over folks because you cannot wait until they’re done speaking? You’re probably not a good conversationalist unless you’re the only one doing the talking.

Does this sound like you? Do you have a hard time talking to people because you always want to speak over them because you cannot wait for them to get through their story?


How do you spot the impatient individual in a room? Well, they’re the ones jingling change in their pockets, pacing the floor, folding their arms, and seemingly a ball of nerves. Take, for instance, being stuck in a waiting room at a hospital.

No doubt, you’re worried about a loved one or friend, but you can’t stand sitting idle, and you may feel as if they will have to admit you if they don’t hurry up. You feel so anxious that you may explode if you must sit still and do nothing for long periods.


When things don’t go the way the impatient have planned, then you will see a side of them that you may not like. If you’re this person, do you tend to blow up and have fits of rage when things don’t go the way you want?

People tend to shy away from you when they see warning signs that your anxiety has reached a boiling point. Being in a relationship with you is hard when you’re not patient because everything isn’t in your time frame.

patient people



How many times has someone told you to “Just be patient?” The problem is that behind this hurried mentality is a deep-rooted anxiety issue that you haven’t addressed. Did you have a rough childhood and suffer from abuse?

Many people who feel like they need to be in command have had situations happen to them in the past where things were out of their control. Your impatient nature may be a side effect of the storms you battled in life. The only way for you to overcome these problems is to get counseling and learn practical management skills, but you must realize that you have a problem.


When you go on vacation, do you have an itinerary for every day of the week? Well, being impatient means that you believe you must always have a plan for the future. You must fit in everything you want to do, so you must plan it all out down to the last detail.

You probably drive those around you crazy with all the preparation. Since time-wasting is a big no-no, you want to ensure that there is no idle time. Look out if something doesn’t go according to the plan, as you may blow your top.


Do you tend to come off as an “I’ll-just-do-it-myself” kind of person? You would love to have help, and you may often bellyache about the assistance you need. The problem is that you don’t think that anyone else can do as good of a job as you.

If someone is working alongside you, you want to show them the correct way to do something, but you do the entire task. It’s tough to work or live with the impatient because you have a mindset that few can understand.


Living life as an impatient person is like driving on a two-lane road and being stuck behind a piece of farm machinery that you can’t pass. You sit there trying to get by without getting run over. You may take risks and cross over the double yellow line to avoid any delays.

There is no time for any delays or failures in your life. It’s all just one significant inconvenience to a person who lives life in a rush. Life can seem like a roller coaster ride for your spouse and children when there are control issues and verbal outbursts when things don’t go the right way.


To control your anxiety, the impatient person must dictate the situation. You like to call the shots to manage time. You’re very frustrating to others as they feel that they’re not as efficient as you.

So, by being in control of any situation, you can ensure that things are done right the first time. You often volunteer to step up and help just about anyone, but you drive them all crazy because of your demanding nature and impatient personality.


You ordered a pizza, and the delivery person told you that it would be about 45 minutes before they can get to you. While that doesn’t seem like a long time to most people, it looks like a death sentence to the impatient. Many things are running through your mind like:

What will I do for the next 45 minutes?

I may starve to death before they arrive.

I’m never ordering from this slow company again!

I could make this pizza in less time and save money.


Overcoming an impatient personality isn’t easy. However, it takes time to get to the root issue and work on coping skills. Everyone has days where they are annoyed and hurried, but an impatient person feels this way every day.

Being patient with others will remind you that there are times that others must be patient with you. You must slow down and take time to smell the roses. Life isn’t a race to see how fast you get things done. Instead, it’s about having the time to enjoy the little blessings that each day brings.

If you’re so focused on the plans and itinerary of the day, then you might miss some of the greatest miracles and blessings in your life. What’s more precious than time with your loved ones and friends? When you live life in a rush, people may turn the other way to avoid feeling unable to measure up to your high standards or sometimes annoying behaviors.

Starting today, learn to live in the moment and stop stressing about time management issues.

Interrupting me when I am talking or doing something is rude

Interrupting me when I am talking or doing something is rude

you interrupt me frequently in my words and actions

you ask me a question in the middle of my

talk,speech,monologue when i am not finished talking or 

telling a story or anecdote or explaining something

you don't want explanations yet you ask for them

these things tell me you aren't listening to what I am saying

you don't get it

you don't get the moral of my story or any story

you are impatient

you lack patience

you jump the gun

you want to know the end of the story quickly and skip the middle
and miss out on all of the juicy parts

you are in a hurry

you think you know it all and accuse me of the same thing

you are being rude

you are being intolerant

you think you know what i am going to say

you anticipate

you put words in my mouth

you misinterpret my meaning and what i am saying

you have poor listening skills

you misunderstand me and many other things

you don't understand

you don' want all the details

you don't want me to elaborate

you think you don't need to hear the details

you have your mind on something else

you ask me a question about what i am going to physically do

you ask me a question about a totally unrelated subject

you redirect the conversation to something you want to talk about

you tell me i should or shouldn't say or do whatever it is

you think you know what i am thinking

you think you know what i should think, say and do

you believe you should control me and my thoughts

you don't like lists of anything

you are a frustrated person

you are like a rabbit not a tortoise

you want and expect instant results

Discipline versus motivation

 Discipline versus motivation

love spreading appeals to me naturally