Monday, November 13, 2023

Black blood in parts of stool, poop. Bright red bleeding

 Noticed dark black sections in stool , again yesterday and day before . Bright red sometimes .. a couple of months ago september a large amount of bright red blood filling wads of toilet tissue paper then again several more days since. 

Researched. Dark blood Could be upper gi bleeding, stomach, colon, intestines , bright red lower area possibly colon, hemorrhoids. 

Stomach cancer or other gastrointestinal area . Whatever the cause or what it is I dont want it nor do I want examx oscopies of any kind, colonoscopy or any type of procedure.

Been eating good food, rounded diet meat vegetables raw and cooked, fruit fresh and canned. Take senna pills occassionally, natural laxative to help have bowel movement. So it is surprising to see these bleeding issues. Might explain the unexplained bouts of fatigue lasting weeks or just a few days. 

At any rate I have been slowly working on getting rid of extraneous things. Something to do while I am still alive.  Others will cart haul off the mess when I am dead or god forbid incapacitated so it only matters to me. I want consideration for the living and less of a mess for them to deal with. Universal energy knows I have certainly cleaned up plenty of messes, my own and others and continue to do so daily. Dirt and shit are handed to me in abundance to deal with. 

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