Friday, November 17, 2023

Giving in to a bully kills. No respect for kind people

 Bullies have No respect for the ones who give in to abuse and will never respect the kind hearted.

Progressively gets worse no chance for change.

Will never respect the one who gave in, put up with their bad behavior and forgave them by making excuses because the victim is a kind soft hearted person. The kind person never gains respect from the bully regardless of what they do to try to gain respect. 

Kind people are used up and spat out with disgust.. that stupid idiot fool see how i took advantage of them and twisted everything around to make thrm think they are the crazy one that is the cause of all my problems. Bully thinks others are taking advantage of them. Laugh at pain and misfortune of others. Take good people and things for granted. Dont cry because they sympathize or empathize but yell in anger throwing temper tantrum fits going into a rage often.

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