Sunday, November 5, 2023

Many things i wish i had learned as a child 12-30-2018

 many things i wish i had learned as a child

12-30-2018 original date written

health: food diet nutrition

  how to cook

wealth: money management and attaining money and property



  stress management and elimination of unnecessary stress

  appreciation what is and what has been and what will be


  how to know and understand myself,

relate to different kinds of people






employees at businesses I do business with

strangers I meet when I am out walking, shopping


 how to read people,  accept myself as i am and 

others as they are 

practice self control instead of thinking i can control everyone and everything around me


drives of life... what motivates people

the reasons why we think, feel and do what we do

purpose: procreation, replication, sex, self expression, control

recognition, appreciation

necessities :

air first

water second

food third

shelter housing



I repeat this to myself daily: 

I am healthy, wealthy, wise, happy, free and have lots of friends and family.

I grew up in a well meaning family who did the best they could with what

they had. 

However I didn't know anyone who wondered why they thought and

did what they did or how they arrived at where they were.

Dysfunction at its best. Nobody explained to me what was going on.

Nobody knew what was really happening or why

and they didn't want to know why.

I questioned the behavior of myself, my family and other people I knew.

I asked many people why, why, why.? 

Often I was told to shut up, not question anyone and not to

disagree with anyone.

Agreeing with everyone is impossible. I resolved to agree to disagree and

not force my opinions upon others but let them know what I think and

they are free to think any way they want to think. That is okay with me.

I have been told I think too much, am crazy, don't understand

I have been humiliated, criticized, laughed at, minimized, shut out,

ridiculed, ostracized

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