Saturday, November 11, 2023

No can do: things obstructed, made difficult or impossible. Possible solutions

Difficult or impossible to do at home:

use Washing machine at home

Cooking what i want anytime

Cleaning floors


Clearing out getting rid of things not needed, clutter

Dusting my way

Owning appliances furniture cars dishes anything i want

Van maintenance repairs cleaning car wash in driveway

Decorating, remodelling

Garage sale

Exercising dancing at home living room

Listening to music anywhere except master bedroom

Social gatherings, holidays at home

Designing anything regarding the yard, house, any object here at house

All things duties here are made complicated difficult


Plant ownership inside or out


He took over virtually every item, area, duty, activity all the way down to smallest things like getting the mail

Talking on phone anytime i want 

Recovering properly from future back surgery i desperately need 

Having visitors i want anytime

Have grandson over or any family member or any person

Babysit anyones kids children

Be myself

College courses


EAT out. Get prepared food

Sell online

Work somewhere away from home


Car wash

Leave house to work

Leave house to exercise, have any kind of social life, entertainment, hobby

Sleep, bathe, eat frozen, canned, fresh food in house

Reduce household chores to nothing (còoking, dishes, laundry, cleaning are very time consuming activities. Use time to work, eat, socialize, hobbies away from home)

Gym community center exercise

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