Thursday, January 22, 2015

Alone. No one is going to save me. There is no such thing as a knight in shining armor.
No one has come to my rescue; not friends, not family, not neighbors, not church
members.  Zero, zip, nada, nothing:  0 x a trillion = zero.
I am completely alone in defending myself at home, at work, in public, in my entire
life. I suffer by myself in pain, in silence without a caring hand, mind or soul around
who gives a damn. Nobody gives a shit, a hoot or offers any time to do anything to
ease my suffering from excruciating back pain, pains in both of the calves of my legs,
the daily ongoing pain in my right side which radiates all the way around my back from
the right to the left side.
My guts and all of my insides hurt. They ache. My life is pain. Lots of pain with no pain killers, no relief and none in sight.
Carve my own way out of this pain, physical and emotional. Make my own path to
leave this horrid world of takers, haters, shitters and heartless sinners.

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Political and religious obsessed people

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