Saturday, January 3, 2015

Quick ways to initiate a fight

Invalidate the other person's viewpoint, feelings, opinions, reasons and counter it with your own.
Force your opinions, beliefs, ways and methods upon others never allowing them to
experience their own. (Indoctrination, autocratic authoritarian attitude, domineering domination, forcefulness,
self-centered egotism, monotheistic religious beliefs ...)

Do not accept a person for who or what they are. Keep pushing them to change to suit your desires.

Pit people against one another, comparing, constrasting and judging claiming one is better than the other, one is loved more or hated more, one is beautiful the other is ugly, one is smart one is stupid,
one is needed the other is not,

Use derogatory name calling.

Use lots of criticism.

Threaten to or actually harm, steal, damage, cheat, kill, dismember, retaliate in revenge, punish,
destroy through bodily injury, property damage or theft,

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...