Monday, January 12, 2015

It will never happen to me.
When I was younger and thought I was invincible and oh so almighty and powerful I thought I could almost conquer the world, maybe even the universe.
I'll never get old, never have a broken back like so many of those old folks
I remember complaining about all of their aches and pains.
They told me about their body parts not working right anymore.
Eyesight, vision was bad, hearing went out the window and they cup a hand
over an ear yelling "What'd you say? I can't hear you?"
They were careful about what they ate, avoiding spicy foods, fried or extra
greasy stuff and ate bland, tasteless food often with no salt and hardly any
spices, avoiding onions and even garlic.
They said they have to eat small portions, being careful not to overeat
and eat slowly, not like a hog,
shoveling it down as fast as possible like me.
They told me they suffered from stomach upsets and intestinal problems
like lots of gas, bloating, indigestion and bowel issues like constipation or
Ha! I'll never have any of those problems, I thought.
My skin won't sag, my jowls and neck will look young and perfect forever.
My eyes would stay as they were with 20/20 vision and the ability to almost
see in the dark.
I wouldn't hurt every day in agony and have to monitor every thing I do
and think about each task before I even start to do it to figure out just
how long it will really take and whether or not I can even do it.
I could work my body into the ground and hey, if I got a little cut, stab wound,
broken bone or two and fell hard on the concrete floor and broke my tail bone
a few more times, what the hell, it will heal. I will be over it and heal up
in a few days, maybe a week then be off and running again.
I could keep pushing my body to limit, sacrificing sleep during the work week,
live on caffeine in coffee, tea or soda and skip meals all day long if I had to
and just keep going and going and going like the Energizer bunny.
If something was too heavy to pick up, I'd keep trying to pick it up anyway
believing that there was really no limit to the weight a person can lift,
all they have to do is keep pushing and try harder.  Eventually I thought if
I kept working at it I could lift 3 or 400 hundred pounds. Why not? I have seen
lots of other people do it so I should be able to do it, too. Without suffering
any injury, no bad consequences.
Is that a ridiculous goal for a slightly built, small boned 130 lb woman?
Is it smart or stupid?

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