Saturday, May 30, 2020

A female instinctively loves babies just as a male instinctively wants to perform the act to make babies with as many pretty, beautiful females they can have/conquer.

A female instinctively loves babies just as a male
instinctively wants to
perform the act to make babies
with as many pretty, beautiful females they can have/conquer.

They want to perform the act but usually don't want the
babies, the offspring. They don't know how to take care
of babies.

They know how to be independent,
how to take care of themselves and perform the act.

Human males are uncontrollably drawn to healthy looking,
beautiful females.

They are drawn to beauty, sweet, innocent looking, vulnerable, accepting,
nice,  kind, cooperative, understanding,    females

They see everything around them at all times. They notice all.
They are tuned in to finding the beauty, always watching.
Always alert to any available opportunity to procreate
with a desirable female.

They love to see the activity of a female while she does anything.
They like to see physical movement and expressions.
Her mind and brains do not matter.
What she wants does not matter.
What he wants matters.

Having that ultimate climax with a young and healthy
fertile female is the strongest desire.
He continually searches for the best climax
even though he states "It can't get any better than this"

He will be with a beautiful female and experience
the "best" act and still search for an even better experience.
He is never satisfied.
No one woman will satisfy him.
He wants more women.

It supercedes all other desires.

The desire to own all of the land and money
and appear to have all of the knowledge/intelligence
is because he wants to have access to all of the best females
so he can perform the act of procreation
and continue his dna for future generations.

Duplication of the self through procreation.

He instinctively does what he does and knows not
why he does it.

"What a way to go", they all say. If they died of a heart
attack while climaxing it would be worth losing their life.

My husband said this a few days ago (again). "What a way to go!"
after he said he could have a heart attack from getting so excited.
(Because of the way I looked.)

I have heard this statement from many men during my lifetime.

I have seen countless news stories about very old men
getting with young women, some marrying them.

History is of full of stories including this topic.

My own lifetime is packed with experiences of having many
men and boys attempting to get that one thing from me.

Movies and songs are filled with the same message.



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