Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I believe every person wants to be happy like they were as a small child.

I believe every person wants to be happy like they were as a small child.

Some people maintain their childlike joy and curisosity throughout
adulthood. Some are miserable and don't know why.

Awareness and knowledge increases understanding.

Noticing how you feel after you eat certain foods, participate in
any activity, when you wake up and your mood when
you are around different kinds of people and places is
vitally important to maintaining happiness.

It is more than just having a thought to
change your attitude. If your body is sick due
to injury, illness, bad food or drink, overwork,
chronic stress, inadequate rest, no amount of
"positive thinking" will not work.

We are living beings in physical bodies that first
require energy from fresh air, clean water and good food sources
in the proper climate for us
so we can feel good and be happy.

Every mother knows this about her baby. Baby needs
warmth, fresh air, clean water and nourishing food.

Babies need to be held, tended and paid attention to
so they will learn and grow up to be healthy adults.

If a mother ignores the baby, never looks it in the eye
and never holds it, it cannot grow, learn and function properly.

Our body is constantly trying to maintain homeostasis,
completely without your conscious awareness.

You are not consciously thinking about your skin, bones,
teeth, hair, fingernails, vital organs or intestines and
telling them what to do. Yet all of these body parts
are doing their job all of the time and letting you
know if they are working properly by making you
feel how you feel and look how you look.

Healthy children, teens and adults require the
same basic essentials in order to experience health
and happiness.

Happiness is our natural nature. We are all born with it.

Sarah Wilson Stillwell

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