Friday, May 8, 2020

Food. Is it good or bad for you?

Food. Is it good or bad for you?

Eat a certain food or drink and notice how you feel after eating it.

Feel good?  It's good for you.
Do you look good?

Is your skin fresh and healthy looking?
Is your hair full and shiny?

Are your fingernails and toenails healthy looking?

Do you make reasonable decisions that
are good for you and for others?

Do you feel happy?
Are you relaxed and focused?

Are you loving, kind, considerate, patient, understanding?

Are you confident?
Do you feel good about yourself?

Are you able to concentrate? Focus.

Feel bad?  It's most likely bad for you.

Do you look bad? Ill.
We all know what a sick person looks like.

Swollen, inflamed/ inflammation, acne,
boils, cysts, tumors,
skin rashes, sores,
puffy bags under the eyes,
swollen lymph node glands
anywhere in the body.

Do you act irrationally, losing your temper over trivial things?
Do you have angry outbursts?

Are you cranky? Complaining, accusatory, threatening, just
plain mean.

Do you have intense hatred for situations, people, anything?
Are you unable to understand simple things such as being polite?

Do you have a weight problem?

Are you in pain anywhere in your body?

Do you feel like you are losing your mind?

Do you feel nautious? Nauseated. Sick in the stomach.

Are you tired, fatigued, just plain worn out?

Are you having trouble sleeping: insomnia or
sleeping too much, unable to feel rested after

Do you have heartburn, acid indigestion, diarrhea,

Is your gut making loud rumbling noises?

Some foods tend to build up toxins in the body over
a period of time so it is essential to pay attention to
the way you feel and what you have been eating
and drinking
recently if you start to feel bad.

Some of us are allergic to certain foods and chemicals.

The body does not lie.

Sarah Wilson Stillwell

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