Saturday, May 16, 2020

Myths I have experienced and witnessed in my life.

Myths I have experienced and witnessed in my life.

This has and can apply to anyone anwhere.


Obesity is in the genetic code/dna
The best buy is always is the largest package
You get what you pay for


wants to see you happy
supports you in your educational choices
supports your career/job/position in life

supports your decisions
supports your choices

supports you in your endeavors
wants to see you succeed, to be successful even if
you become more successful and happy than they are

avoids saying things to make you unhappy, sad,
miserable, angry

is never rude, mean, insulting, sarcastic or abusive,
mentally or physically

avoids doings things to upset you
goes out of their way to please you

is proud of you for who you are
is proud of your accomplishments

understands your point of view
understands other's point of view

cares about your feelings
cares about what you want

gives selflessly
is unselfish and generous

puts others before themselves
is always polite

has no ulterior motives
expects nothing in return

is not possessive
is not controlling
is not demanding

does not push their ideas upon other people, things and animals
does not expect conformity

does not expect you to fit into their mold
does not expect anything to fit into the mold they created in their mind

does not throw fits, temper tantrums, go into blind rages
when they don't get their way

loves you for your mind
let your body go the hell with obesity, illness, and they will still love you
the same way they did the day they met you when you were healthy

can truly see many sides of things instead of just one side (their viewpoint)
will help without expecting something in return
does not keep track of what they have done for others

is truly sorry for being mean and won't do it again
has a strong conscience

has a strong sense of ethics
is flexible mentally, emotionally and physically
sees good in everything

is not judgmental
is not addicted to something
is honest, open and genuine

is not jealous or envious
does not want more than their "fair" share

is happy to see other life forms happy
is happy when you are happy, happy to see you happy and joyful
is excited when you are excited

does not hate someone or something
is not out to get anyone with revenge

is not anxious, nervous
is not hypercritical or critical
is not depressed

is not confused
is not warlike

does not blame someone else or something else

are able to look themselves in the mirror with honesty
admit when they are wrong, when they made a mistake
is truly sorry for any wrong hurtful destructive thing they said or did

thinks carefully before they speak
thinks carefully before they act out
appreciates true natural beauty wherever they may be

has confidence in others
truly supports the environment, mother earth
appreciates the totality of this short life

easily connects the dots
sees connections between themselves and all things

understands they are a piece of this most important puzzle
understands that nothing is insignificant

does not separate
does not discriminate

does not demean or minimize another for any reason
including their feelings, viewpoints, choices, reasons,
position or situation in life

does not think they are better than other people, animals, plants or things
is not egotistical

is natural
are not trying to be someone else
are not putting on airs just to appear good to others

is calm, patient, rational and reasonable
is faithful
believes before they see

listens to what you say without interrupting
listens to you without finishing your sentences for you

does not expect others to be just like them
is tolerant of differences in beings

does not feel like they have to mimic others to fit into a group
does not condemn others for being different

loves your uniqueness
loves the unique quality of anything

understands they are unique
understands everyone and every animal, plant and energy form is unique

does not project themselves onto others and the environment
does not force their opinions upon others

truly cares about your health; mentally, emotionally and physically
sincerely loves to see the healthy status of life forms

correctly interprets the meaning of an author's book
correctly interprets the moral of the movie or tv show they watch

correctly interprets the meaning of a song, a poem, a letter

is focused on doing the right thing to please themselves
is focused on doing the right things to please others

is not two-faced
does not speak with forked tongue

understands nature's laws
understands man is not above the laws of nature

understands moderation
understands patience

understands limits

does not push their agenda upon anyone
does not force anything upon any being

knows that desire is the first emotion before actualization/manifestation occurs

still editing

Sarah Wilson Stillwell

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