Friday, May 1, 2020

He doesn't care about how much money you make.

He doesn't care about how much money you make.

He expects you to look good, the way you looked when you met him.

He wants you to be real and natural.

A man is designed for hard, strenuous work. He doesn't
expect a woman to do the kind of work he does.

If you have piled on makeup to look good and done other phony stuff
he will be shocked and scared half to death when he sees you without
all that makeup, glitter, glam, flashy, fake stuff.

If you allow yourself to add 30 pounds or more, gaining a lot of
weight because you are "comfortable" in the relationship and
believe it's okay to let yourself go because he will still "love you"
for your "personality"
regardless how you look, think again. This is a huge turnoff for a man.
He doesn't want to feel like he's having sex with a waterbed.

The minute he hears you are a feminist he is turned off.

He loves your/my long hair.

If you wear makeup keep it to a minimum. He expects you to
look like you did when you met him. If you look totally different
without makeup it scares him off.

Big muscles belong to men. If you look like a sumo wrestler
it's a turn off.

Alex is a man. He is a natural born mesomorph.
He likes to get up early in the morning.
I am naturally an ectomorph.
I like to sleep late and am slow to awaken.

He and his roommate, Travis LeVee talked with me at
length and we compared our arms while standing
outside in the driveway.

Alex has very wide shoulders and is musclebound with huge arms.
Travis is leaner and also has lots of muscle in his arms, abdomen
and legs.

I, on the other hand, have skinny little arms,
a lean abdomen and more fat distrubution in the
rearend and thighs. I am a girl/female/woman with this
natural born shape.

We all appreciated who and what we are.

Thanks guys!!

Thank you, Alex Tate and Travis LeVee
 Conversations in February, March and April, 2020.

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