Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Finally found out why I don't have a bunch of girlfriends or even one: Men and sex

 And I have lots of male friends/associates 

..... instincts in females tell them things words cannot

Nothing needs to be said, they know lots of men are attracted to me and I converse well with males. I am married and have lots of sex with my husband only. My husbands instincts tell him many men want my body for sex so he's always ready for it constantly on the alert to see if I am wanting it..he knows plenty of others are after it even though he doesn't say it often in words; his actions speak for all of it. He is hyper aware of what I am wearing at all times, the position of my body, the words I say and how much I talk, jealous, easily angered, wanting to know my whereabouts and who I talk to and what I talk about. He has always said things like "Never be alone with a man in a house or anywhere". 

In my own personal experiences he is right about not being alone with a man anywhere. Each man is different, some are polite and respect my wishes right away, some keep pushing and won't take no for an answer. However even the polite ones would jump right on top of me if I let them. 

Male wolves watching, silently waiting for a "weak" moment when they think they can slip in the back door, imagining they could have the opportunity to strike gold in the honey pot. Most of them seem to have this strange type of thinking that they can just be the lucky one because they happen to be there or they have money or skills even though I have flat out told some of them I wouldn't let you touch me regardless of what you have or do. You're not getting in my bins if you were the last man on earth. If you just want sex go find a trick whore type who does do anything with anyone for the money or job. 

And I am pretty sure these guys have a bunch of females on their want list anywhere they go or anyplace they have seen some woman they'd like to grab, drag off by her hair, fornicate her in any place whether she or he is married or not. Marriage does not mean anything to a lot of these guys I have come across. Their own wife can be standing right next to me and they make the pass, flirting when she is not looking or sometimes blatantly saying and doing sexual advances right in front of her. 

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