Thursday, November 16, 2023

Vulgar vulgarity

 Rough, rash, mean, uncouth, uncivilized, incorrigible..

Some beings seem vulgar. Most of the ones I've met are males.

I have been acting vulgar as I have become older. It could be due to dealing with rude antagonistic males and some females. 

My rude actions include 

raising my voice/talking too loud/yelling, 

occassional swearing/cursing/cussing/using foul language

talking too much and over people

Rude, vulgar, abrasive behavior I have experienced from others, mostly men include

not saying excuse me or some other apology for burping belching farting 

discussing unpleasant subjects during mealtimes

pushing me out of the way

not opening the door, car or otherwise, for me

taking over an activity I am doing

performing an activity I could do for myself and they know it. they do it anyway regardless of how it makes me feel

interrupting me, talking over me, finishing my sentences

name calling

condescending attitude

making sexual advances towards me and not taking no for an answer

not taking no for an answer in regards to anything I say no to

invading my space territory 

taking things of mine, moving my stuff around 

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