Wednesday, August 21, 2024



 a woman with whom a man cohabits without being married: such as


: one having a recognized social status in a household below that of a wife


: mistress sense 4a

she is the perfect candidate for him the son who is married to another woman who bore my grandson. this concubine cannot have any more children. therefore he will have no responsiblity for taking care of any more of his children financially emotionally or in anyway. she has 2 boys of her own by 2 separate men before she met him. the perfect sex partner for him he doesnt have to marry or live with 24 hours a day 7 days a week; she stays at his house on weekends and sleeps in another bedroom guest room while his wife is away at work.  she is 26 years old; he is 42. she's small thin long dark blonde hair. 'shy', quiet, compliant, laughs giggles alot agrees with him whatever he says and does. she is a shadow, a mere reflection, a person who has zero competition for him but 100% competition with his wife.

Agreeable. Nonthreatening. Is actually the biggest threat to every single thing in his life: career work family home money finances. The wife could take most everything if she wanted to but she either doesn't know this or does not want to. She instead chooses to say she is getting back with an old boyfriend Joseph spelled different.

kayla m is a princess an angel 15

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