Wednesday, August 21, 2024

He wants easy easiest all inclusive instant food and things

Mls: food instant prepared premade hot pockets pot pies cereal like raisin bran honey nut cheerios. Will not prepare individual items like bran flakes and raisins from another bag or box

drinks aldis green tea sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, bottled premade juices cranberry pineapple anything sweet  

spices all in one labeled for certain dishes

Random eating. Eats bites and bits of food and fruit and junk all day long except right before bedtime says can't eat heavy stuff upsets his sleep 

mouthwash if that will fix internal stomach intestine problems causing bad breath

toothbrushes buys tons of them

toothpaste many brands tubes

Easy fast access to pussy sex. No commitment no communication no personal involvement no talking 

Cover up junk crap. Shove shit in tight places and hide it in cardboard boxes and generic containers or coverings so me or others dont know what it is yet he knows exactly what he put where.

Thinks snaps fingers utters orders should have instant slave response

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September 16 2024 he slapped me across left side of my face last night

  he picked up a piece of cardboard he uses in his chair and hit me across the left side of my jaw area after he told me to "shut your ...