Tuesday, August 27, 2024

She's a simple girl. Every guy wants her.

 He chases her. All the guys chase her. She doesn't need or beg for their attention. She's cute she doesn't have to beg anyone for anything ever. 

He stares at her. He looks at her when she's not aware, when she's not looking at him. She doesn't run after him to please him or tend to his needs. He begs to tend to her needs and takes care of her. He shows off for her begging to get her attention. He works hard for her, wants to give her money, food and things. She can easily ignore him. This drives him wild. 

Like princesses and queens in stories and the movies. Naturally beautiful sweet girls who look far off into the distance; they never stare at someone. They are modest often shy. Blush easily. They look away. Cock their head to the side. Innocence oozes out of them. 

She can take care of herself. She is happy and smiling without him. He wants to see her smile. He wants to think he makes her smile. 

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