Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Money and power

 The idea that one has a lot of money and or the idea one has authority changes the attitude of a person quickly. 

I remember power dynamics back to my age of 4 when my parents gave me authority over 3 younger brothers . I was the trusted caretaker little mommy of those boys. 

I remember my attitude changing when I thought I had money because I had over  one hundred thousand dollars worth of credit cards over 20 years ago in 2004, 2005. It was credit which made me think I had power even though I had little money income. 

My poor decisions, lack of knowledge, inexperience and living with, working with and associating with people who were on a criminal wavelength instead of an ethical business wavelength lead to my failure and demise beginning in 2008 when the money industry market failed and I hit rock bottom. All my dreams of success hard work and efforts were useless. 2009 my body gave out. I couldn't keep up. Late on a couple of credit cards payments and they closed out my accounts as fast as dominos falling in a game. I was grovelling, sick, humiliated, dependent on the husband. The last thing I wanted to be. I never wanted to be dependent upon anyone. 

Where is true power?

Is it only in having a lot of money? Is it physical strength with strong muscles? Is it beauty, talent, intelligence, hard work, commonness, uniqueness, virtues, sins....? Is it your momentary position? 

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