Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Who's screwing who? who really got fu**kked hard up the a** with no vaseline here?

who got hurt? who got shit on and gets mud thrown into her face every single day? 

who is not respected? who is mocked, ridiculed, constantly criticized?

who is blocked, stopped, held back?

who is called bad names ? like slut, whore, bitch, idiot, dumb fuck, stupid ass?

who is told on a daily basis she is stupid by her husband ?

who is told she doesn't deserve anything, that she ought to live somewhere with a dirt floor because she is such a worthless piece of shit to him?

who really got the short end of all sticks here?

who lives with and had lived with many total bona fide selifsh perverted criminal minded ass holes?

who has been the biggest fool being nice, understanding, helpful, empahetic, sympathetic, caring to lots of people?

who has worked for nothing or next to nothing and not asked begged or demanded a lot of money from anyone for anything be it work i have done or merchandise i have put up for sale?

who has been slapped, eyes blackened, knocked pushed down to the floor the ground, been kicked in the head and knocked out, raped, shoved, threatened, robbed?

who has lost all stuff she used to own all the way down to the littlest thing like a worthless teddy bear ripped up destroyed by a jealous husband who also destroyed my car that my grandfather bought for me?

who has been fired from jobs, written up for insubordination for standing up for and protecting the rights of other people co workers at the job company corporation?

who has fought the good fight of ethics doing the right things even who no one is looking and in turn been shit on knocked down like the whack a mole hit in the head shoved to the ground for being honest and upright ?

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