Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Female not respected when word gets out she screwed someone other than one man

 rumor or not, truth or fiction..when the talking starts about her people believe any type of rotten stuff garbage about anyone especially a female girl woman who happens to be sexually attractive nice looking and desirable by most men

she can be virtuous and good in every other way, being ethical honest reliable hard working on time good mother caretaker of people children adults or animals and keep the house and yard and cars nice and clean...cook great food, work a job ..she can be great in many others ways and once she is labelled a


that is the end of her life

she has zero respect from anyone who has heard the tale of her sex life adventures be it true or not

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the male boy man is praised for getting as many girls women or anything into the sack and screwing his brains out regardless of who the fuckmate is or whether or not she gives or gave consent. He gets back slaps and applauds for his "masculine" behavior, his virility, strength, stamina... the marks on his bed post for all of his adventures in the world of attaining sex victims or willing participants ..the more the merrier. The more people think he is such a hunk of big fat dick the more they praise him for being such a "MAN" who conquers all.

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