Friday, March 13, 2020

He wants you for your body not your brains. Your mind doesn't matter.

He wants you for your body not your brains. Your mind doesn't matter.

Your body is the number one top priority on his list.
Your appearance has everything to do with his desire for you.
He can do all physical things and chores and more. He doesn't need your help.

The one thing he can't do for and by himself is to create that
physical feeling and arousal only available by joining his body
with a female's body.

It's a bonus if you are smart enough and able to follow his directions, raise the kids,
clean the house, cook, do yardwork or other men's work,
do the laundry, pay some bills, keep your mouth shut
unless he asks you a question or wants to put something in it (one of his body parts),
but your intelligence quotient is the least of his concerns. If you are as
intelligent or smarter than he is and you prove it, he perceives it as a threat to his manhood.

He will say you talk too much, are argumentative, want to fight,
trying to control him, are stubborn, refuse to cooperate (obey his orders),
think you know everything, think you are smarter than him (god forbid),
are too sensitive, can't take a joke, don't know what you are talking about and
are a demanding, complaining bitch.

My intelligent brain : ie: memorizing and repeating information, has not
been respected, admired or responsible for the way I have been treated.
When I was a child I was praised for my "intelligence" and complimented
on my good looks. The way I look has determined the way I have
been treated.  My intelligence and brains has nothing to do with it.

I have learned this through countless thousands of personal experiences
at home, with family, at work/jobs, shopping, travelling, visiting any place and
observations of people in this world.


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